Tuesday, October 9, 2018

If you REALLY want to know,...

IIf you're wanting to know what's going on regarding Bible prophecies, there are many videos on YouTube that are highly informative.  1) SkyWatchTV with Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, a Christian based information platform, if you will.  2) GenSix, as in Genesis 6, with Steve Quayle, brilliant man, extremely knowledgeable.  3) Henry Gruver, a prayer walker, walked across the world reclaiming the land for Christ; his testimonies are incredible.  4) The Official Hagmann Report, varying interviews & topics.  5) David Lankford - The Voice of Evangelism. 6) CBN-The Christian Broadcasting Network, full of REAL news, testimonials and so much more.  All of these are Christian men and their main objective is to reveal the truth to the body of Christ, keep us informed, answer our questions...
If you've been praying and asking God to show you what's coming, if you want to be one of the Ten Virgins that is wise (includes you men!),  if you've been troubled about what you see going on in the world, PLEASE, start listening to these guys on these videos.  There are also great podcasts.  If you're wondering what Sasquatch is, are UFO's real, who the antichrist will be, will this happen , will that happen, if you want peace of mind BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED and want the truth, then listen to these men.  Choose which ones that help you most and hang in there.  They each have SOMETHING to offer to encourage us.
There are also informative books on Kindle, Nook, or the library,....Now mind you, I've found some that claim to be giving us the "truth", but in fact, want to deceive us.  How will you know which ones to stay away from?  By going back to the Word: does it coincide with scripture? Like the Bible says, My sheep hear my voice and a stranger's voice they will not follow. [my paraphrase of John 10:1-5] I find that when something doesn't "sit right" with me, then I go, "um, no, this isn't right; why isn't it right??"  I set it aside, I do some research of my own, and go to the Word.
Ok. I need to give you an example about a book I thought was going to be good, but discovered it wasn't.  I found a book Confessions of an Illuminati,...  Great, I thought I'd found someone that had come out of it, realized he'd been deceived so he'd written several books. I downloaded the free sample onto my Kindle and as I was reading this totally detailed what have you, I came upon a sentence that "didn't sit right with me."  I've since deleted it so I'm just going to give you the gist and what I did to find out it was NOT what I thought it would be.  He wrote something like, this is not right, he didn't like what they were doing and just wanted everyone to be good in their heart like so and so. He named the guy.  So I googled this guy he was talking about, and lo and behold this GUY was a major warlock, since deceased!!  So ok, THIS author is NOT an ex-illuminati at ALL, and I'm outta here!! I deleted the free sample and became a little wiser. 
[update...I heard this author on a conservative Christian video and I need to do more research on him before making my final decision on whether I should read his work or not....] 
Even when I hear negative things about certain churches in America, or this preacher or that evangelist, like they're a wolf in sheep's clothing...GO TO THE WORD!  Don't believe everything, try it against the word.  Maybe it is true, or maybe what I'm hearing is because they AREN'T wolves in sheeps clothing and they're trying to turn us against them.  *sigh* If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to us liberally. [my paraphrase of James 1:5,6]

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