Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Your talents will make a way for you

i kid you not, they will--- There's a kid that does dub stepping that has become viral on U Tube I'm imagining it may have gone this way: likely started off by just dancing with his buddies on the street every day- then someone took out their iPhone, videoed it and said let's post this - you're awesome, see what happens--- next thing you know, over a million people have viewed the video, he's then gotten the attention of celebrities, appeared on many talk shows to perform---

If you do not hide your light under a bushel, other people will see your particular gift.  Think of others and how they got started-- you're NO different!

Proverbs 18:16    A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.


  1. Replies
    1. I'm just now realizing after all these years of posting, that there are actually COMMENTS on my blog! That's how amateurish I am at blogging, STILL! Thank you for all of your comments over the years, btw. YOU are a blessing to me! (smiling)
