And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angel to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. (take place). Rev. 22: 6
Behold, I (Jesus) come quickly:...Rev. 22:7
Moses talked with God on Mount Sinai and received the Ten Commandments, which, without a savior, we cannot follow; he stood in the gap many times for his people.
Daniel was given visions about the end times, an angel appeared to Daniel after he'd fasted three weeks, to say he'd tried to answer him on the first day of his fast, but the Prince of Persia (fallen angel, power of darkness) had apprehended him, and Michael had to come to assist him in the fight in order to get through..
John was given revelations on the Island of Patmos regarding the end times. While the righteous were living their lives, evil men were also....following is a sort of summary of what has taken place over decades, centuries,...
According to the Bible, Lucifer was cast down because he wanted to be God. He was proud and rebellious. His goal has always been to be worshipped and get rid of anyone and anything that God loves. Of course, there is more to it. He has used people throughout time to scheme his devious plan along with the Fallen Angels (Gen 6) to eventually appear as the Antichrist. People have been used as puppets: Secret Societies, Satan worshippers, politicians, any and everyone that follows him, to fulfill his plan.
False gods....
The demonic ones were totally accepted by many humans; they taught their supernatural technology, but in return, had been using and deceiving these societies because why? Because Satan and his minions, which is behind it all, have come to lie, steal, kill and destroy. They hate all of God's creation, because they hate God.
The Bible says that in the end times, it will be worse than anything that was ever on the earth...people will "marvel", they will faint from fear, and some will be so fearful, they will just die. (The most astounding things, beyond belief, you will find out on the videos I've asked you to watch.)
The Watchman sees what's coming
People go about their business, scoffing, unbelieving, life as usual, they don't want to believe all of this because they just want to "be happy", they plug their ears...Watchman is discouraged, what more can he do...he's done his job...but people don't want to believe maybe because it's just too unimaginable.
Evil is here
Control by taking our finances, homes, if we refuse to go along with their plans for the New World Order and One World Religion, which I hear will be Catholics/Islam.
Those that don't accept the New World Order and their plans are eventually sent to FEMA CAMPS/WALMART PRISONS which are nation wide, world wide prisons and
WE WILL DO EXPLOITS! And the Word says in Revelations, to those that overcome will receive many blessings in His Kingdom. We can do all things through Christ which strenthens us, His strength is made perfect in our weakness, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the Name and Blood of Jesus.
Abomination of Desolation, the Anti-Christ/Satan, sits in the Temple on the Ark of the Covenant, where the Blood of Jesus Christ is already applied, when the spear was pierced in his side, His blood and water gushed down the crack from the earthquake when He was on Golgotha, onto the left side of the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, the very place Ron Wyatt discovered that has been protected by four angels until the appointed time. His blood has already been verified in a lab in Israel, that the Father of this blood was not of this earth: it revealed an earthly mother, and one Y Chromosome: The God of Creation; the Father. The Godhead; Father/Son/Holy Spirit.
There is SO much more to's all in the Bible, and the Watchmen, the men and women that are doing their BEST to warn us of what's coming, can prove what they're saying, and biblically, as well.
Jesus will return after the Abomination of Desolation is revealed, according to Revelation, and with the spirit of His mouth, will destroy them all.
But for now, we're still here. Let's be like the 5 wise virgins....Let's be prepared!
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