Oh, to go back to the days of Norman Rockwell, the innocent days. But as time goes on, I've come to learn, there were never really any innocent days for many people. So many people grew up in the most horrendous of circumstances. My own life was more like Norman Rockwell paintings compared to so may unfortunates. Abductions, tortures, Satanic rituals involving babies and children, mind control, it goes on and on.
Our history books were filled with whatever the Elite wanted us to know or think, covering up truths beyond belief. And now they're trying to erase even more. Don't take my word for it, do your research. The Smithsonian cover-ups is a good start?
That basically every President of this great USA was actually a Freemason; the Statue of Liberty really stands for "liberty from all that is God" and was dedicated by Freemasons from France; that the capital of the USA is actually designed by Freemasons, the obelisk is a falic symbol and the dome/womb of the capital building all is designed to 'usher in' Nimrod/Ra/Antichrist, call it what you like. Look up the history of all of this for yourselves. You may have already been aware of these facts. I'm rather a late awakener, I guess. And not just in America, look at the world, the floor plan of the Vatican, Peru, Megaliths world wide, the Pyramids, who could have builT the India Temples so intricately, on and on and on. It's all very interesting, but very eye opening, to say the least.
Sounds so crazy doesn't it; totally ridiculous, mind boggling, ludicrous, and in no way could be true, right? The more we're finding out the truth, the more "they" try to undermine and scoff and create chaos so that anyone coming out with the truth of the past, AND future, will never believe us.
It's so scary that no one wants to really know what is really going on! It's not Norman Rockwell stories! It's tales straight from our nightmares or worse sci-fi movies ever made. I've had more people look at me and say, You know what, I don't want to know: I'd rather not know. I don't believe all that anyway.
The more I look into all of these things, the more I realize, as have many others of the believers in Christ, that the "Elite Powers" has been moving the whole world towards one goal; that Lucifer/Satan (adversary after the fall) wants to be worshipped and be above Jesus and he will be the abomination of desolation, to rid of anything and everyone that believes in our one true creator God, and believers in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
Satan's been deceiving God's creation since Adam and Eve, using humans as puppets to do his bidding; deceived the Elite powers that be into thinking they will have a place of honor with him for all eternity, or never die. All depends on the lie, convinced them to open portals/Stargates so that the demonic can come right on in and intermingle with all of us.
It's all in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations. The Old Testament cannot be discarded; you can't take it out; it's like a marriage. The OT and the NT are together as one; the OT explains the NT. It's all about redemption through Christ. And so much more.
But here's the deal; yes, originally God had created us to live in the Garden of Eden, right? But after the fall, it's been about us being redeemed by Jesus because without Him, we're doomed, He's THE only way to Heaven.
SO. When I look out at the bluest skies that are free from chem-trails (look it up on YouTube; it's not a "theory", it's a fact), I well up; this life is only temporary. We're just passing through. Our eternity comes AFTER we die, the believers eternal home is not here anyway, nor is it for non-believers. And neither is it meant to be. One day there will be a New Jerusalem, a new Earth. Our mansion in Heaven awaits the believers in Jesus.
I John 3:8 says He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Our relationship with Jesus, the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues, and the Father. Reading the Word of God every day, every day, praying & fasting, spending time with Jesus, learning to hear the Holy Spirit, following Him, turning from sin and walking with the Lord- Our God provides our every need, we MUST know who we are in Christ, our authority in Him. We MUST live by faith, learn to live in faith and love of God, which means obedience to Him. What EVER's coming in our lives, now or in the future, He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He will tell us what we need to do, for any trial or tribulation that comes into our lives.
The most interesting and exciting research I've done/do, is always about what I find out about archeological finds regarding proving the Bible is true. Ron Wyatt's discoveries, the Shroud of Turin and the scientific results,...
Love Norman Rockwell.
ReplyDeleteYes, we who serve Jesus must be aware.
Being aware also means 'having ears to hear'. Too many Christians don't want to know. Hosea 4:6 MY PEOPLE are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." Let's not be like those that put their hands on their ears because of what the Watchmen God has chosen for these days are telling us things too horrifying to believe. Believe it; it's here and more is coming that will cause men's hear to fail from what is "coming UP ON the Earth."