Thursday, September 20, 2018


I've been praying, "Lord, I don't want to be deceived, I want to discern what's true."

I knew the Lord was showing me I was spending way too much time on my ipad watching movies, tv shows, facebook,....I began listening to podcasts, youtube and the Word and much prayer, about many things.  My eyes and understanding are opening up which then comes loads of questions, and only wanting the RIGHT answers, TRUTHS.  I find I've been led to think certain ways by deceptions that have occurred to ALL of us, not just to me.

Also felt like the Lord was dealing with me about being "transparent". Definition - free from pretense or deceit: frank. Transparency means a picture viewed by light shining through it. Hmm. light shining through.

Someone once told me that I helped her more by sharing what I'd been through than trying to "help" her. You know, like giving advice.  Sharing what I've been through includes involving everyone I know and love. So how do I do that without offending someone, or revealing things about someone else that will cause others to possibly judge them? That's a dilemma that I'm working out, or through. I'm writing for anyone that wants to know what I have to say.  The others that don't care, well there's always going to be those, right?

My writing/words won't be like this excellent scholar, but I can share in my own words, can't I.  I've got a college degree although I usually forget that I do.  When it comes to being around certain people in my life, depending on their personalities, character, depends sometimes on how I respond. Right? That's certainly apparent when someone is not secure in their position in Christ, because He's able to give me the assurance that if He's with me, and He is, then I should be bold, brave, filled with love, joy, peace, self-control,... Galatians 5:22-23

Ok, where was I going with this....oh yeah.

The Bible talks in Revelations about the end times.  So much evidence that we're in those times.  The chip that hundreds of people already have in their hand with all of their personal information in order to buy/sell/go thru airports/office access/ and so much more.  Mark of the beast is what we see here.  I'm praying for all of my loved ones to be prepared.  We're not to take the chip...look it up in Revelations 13:16-17

Confessions of the Illuminati by Leo Lyon Zagami
Books on people that have come out of FreeMason, the goals of the "secret societies"

Books on people that have come out of witchcraft, sorcery like The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michcaelsen...I read this one, I believe it to be truthful.

Discernment of what's going on in today's churches...before I recommend one, I want to read it first. I do watch videos of this but I'm still going thru a process of what's true and false....

SO.  I'm going to go ahead and post this.  I feel free to go back to edit or update, but this is enough thought provoking material for now. *smile*

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