Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Teach your children ~

Over twenty years ago, the Lord spoke very clearly to me as I was waking in the morning; "Teach your children Elohim Elochem." The last two words were in perfect Hebrew or Aramaic, I don't know which because I speak English. I also don't know the correct spelling for the same reason. I just knew that what I heard was from God because I've come to recognize His voice during certain times over many decades.

When I got up, I searched in the Yellow Pages thinking a Rabbi should be able to tell me what it meant, but the first one I called in our area didn't answer. The second one answered, I explained to him exactly what happened and back then I remembered exactly how it was pronounced so that's how I relayed it to him.

As he sounded very unimpressed by this, however, according to him, it meant, "Teach your children that God is your God."  I thanked him.  After we hung up, assuming here that he may not have been too interested in what a Gentile had heard, my thoughts were, "Is that all? There's got to be more to it than that, I'm sure there is." It would be many years before I've come to understand a bit more.

I've done my best to teach our children about the One in whom I believe, which is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Father, and the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Bible. We took them to church and youth groups, etc, and raised them in all that we knew to do.

However, in the past year I've come to understand that there truly is more to that phrase I heard. 

Elohim with a capital 'E' is the Hebrew word for God and is plural as in God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, the Trinity, YHWH, Yahweh, the great I AM.  When the same word has a lower case 'e' as in 'elohim', it's talking about angels, spirit beings, whether good or bad. Author Mike Heiser in The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible goes into thorough detail, but for the purpose of this blog, I'll continue on what I think He was telling me.

Teach your children that the One True God [YHWH, I AM, the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit] is my God. And since HE is my God, then the BIBLE, the infallible Word of God, is for them. Teach your children. Teach your children what He says in the Word in the Old Testament that was fulfilled by Jesus by what is written in the New Testament.  THAT GOD. 

I recently finished reading The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of  Messiah by Carl Gallups and Rev Porat. Extraordinary true story about Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri of Israel. I highly recommend it, look it up and read what it's about. I learned from that book that the Jews won't say YHWH, and they only write G-d, claiming it's too holy.  Satan is the deceiver.

Exodus 3:13,14 And moses said unto God, Behold, when i come unto the  children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what whall i say unto them?  And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, THus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

He is the Living God. Jesus is THE ONLY SAVIOUR. There is coming soon something or someTHINGS that are not of this world and will claim to be our creators, and may likely appear from great clouds from the heavenlies. DON'T BELIEVE IT. There will come from many places saying "Here is the Messiah, our Savior."  DON'T BELIEVE THEM.  

There are many scriptures in the Bible talking about what to expect when Jesus returns.  Study and know them for yourself, and you can look them up on the internet at this time, but the time is short. 

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