Friday, March 27, 2020


1 Corinthians 1:4-8
This post is likely to be my boldest yet. I would love to continue to add pictures to my blog for effect, but you have to pay for that, and it appears I've used up all of my free pictures. Maybe adding different colors to the words will help. (smile)

I've "stepped lightly" for a long time. There's a time soon to come that anything and everything pertaining to warnings, God, Jesus, the Bible, will be deleted, removed, from the internet, cell phones, communication, freedom in the public.  Our freedoms and our Constitutional Rights are going to be taken away sooner than we expect or want. 

As I write posts to my blog, I'm including anyone that is interested, not just to believers in Jesus Christ but also to those that may have never heard the good news of the gospel of Christ or about anything else I write about.  A lot of you may have already been aware of the issues I write about,  but years ago i heard a very wise statement: never assume those you are talking to have heard what you have heard, or know what you know, or have learned what you've learned. 

Still think it's all going to go back to "normal"?  We hope so, don't we.  We don't want to go through troubling times and we pray, we should be praying, for God's mercy, grace, and reprieve for the prophetic narrative most of us know and expect, which has to happen - because of sin, because we've all turned away from God, the world is doing it's utmost turning evil into good, good into evil.  It will happen, it's been prophesied.  He said His Word is true and there is no turning from it.

THINK is the key word here. THINK again. And think AGAIN. We all need to PRAY and REPENT like never before, turn to the ONLY DOOR to forgiveness, salvation and that's through Jesus Christ the Son of God, that ROSE from the dead and sits at the RIGHT HAND OF GOD and is coming back SOON with a HOST to bring an end to the beast called Lucifer, along with his government, the fallen angels, any and every wicked minion, Death, Hell and the wicked, found in Revelation. Jesus has already won the victory it's just that there are events that must take place for reasons we will only discover once we're with Him in Heaven, so the Word says, "we will know as also we are known."

The whole Bible is filled with good news. THE good news. The book of Revelation is about what we will go through but ALSO the most GLORIOUS news about what we will have AFTER Christ puts an end to the wicked, which you can start reading from chapter 19-22. 

But BEFORE HIS RETURN: "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." Matt 24:21

I've listened, watched, and read documented information for years by 'Watchmen and "Watchwomen" ' that have been reporting to us at the risk of their, and their family's, very own lives (they have the proof of these threats, don't kid yourself), for years doing their level best to warn us as God has led them to do. 

But like the Kassandra effect {a woman that was a 'mythical prophet' cursed to utter true prophecies, but never to be believed.  Modern usage of her name is a rhetorical device to indicate someone whose accurate prophecies are not believed. (more on wiki)}. Referring here to the many who've tried their level BEST to warn us for decades on end. Too many put their hands to their ears and eyes and refuse, or are unable, to accept what is actually here now or will be here in the very, VERY near future: OUT IN THE OPEN.  Actually, much of these have been out in the open for a very long while, here and there, now and then to select few, or select many? (shrug)

Luke 21 has much to say about what we can expect in these days.

Again, these are documentaries, videos, books, podcasts, that I've shared on my previous posts for those that truly want to be aware and not be taken by surprised.  Such as: What are UFO's, the alien greys & why the cover-up; Why is CERN opening portals and what do they expect; Why does the Vatican have an observatory on Mt. Graham called LUCIFER and what are they expecting to show up; What are coming out of these different supernatural dimensions; Why has our history has been rewritten and who's responsible; Where are these hybrids coming from that people are seeing, chimeras and who's really responsible; What and where is the Majestic 12?  Thousands of mysteries going on around us that God is bringing out to the light if we but see what these researchers have discovered and are sharing for our own good.

Higher Entities by Fourth Watch Films produced by the Faull Brothers

Hollow Earth by Fourth Watch Films with the Faull Brothers

The Distant Thunders Chuck Missler's last Adventure with Gary Cole & Steve Quayle

The Watchers by L.A. Marzulli 

Belly of the Beast by the Faull Brothers

True Legends Documentary Film Series by Steve Quayle, Timothy Alberino, Tom Horn
Technology of the Fallen
Holocaust of Giants
The Unholy See: The Vatican Knows ALL THE SECRETS

FORBIDDEN HISTORY REVEALED episode one; THE EGYPTIAN PRESENCE in the Americas and the Pacific Rim: the GREAT SMITHSONIAN COVER-UP produced by Stephen Quayle

SkyWatchTV with Derek & Sharon K. Gilbert, Tom Horn, Josh Peck...

Steve Isdahl of sharing TENS OF THOUSANDS of people's Sasquatch experiences (oh yeah, they exist along with samples of blood, hair, and lab reports; Dr. Melba Ketchum's report and others that have been intimidated into suppressing the truth: for WHAT PURPOSE).

Becky Dvorak Healing & Ministries International
Becky Dvorak Facebook live and anything with her on Youtube

Henry Gruver Prayer Walker; any of his Youtube testimonials and including visions of America's coming attacks from Russia/China

Ron Wyatt's Archaeological Discoveries proving the Biblical narrative

Hand of Help Ministries about Romanian Dumitru Duduman's prophecies, dreams & visions about America

Along with all of the information, they also leave us with comfort because these are all Spirit-filled believers in Jesus Christ, and these are just a FEW that are out there. No one can hand feed us, we have to do our own research to find out FOR OURSELVES fact from fiction, right? You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.

Conspiracy theories, they scoff.       Really?        REALLY??       REALLY???!!    


Listen - We know it's scary stuff. We KNOW it's scary stuff.  But it is all in the Word of God, IT'S ALL RIGHT THERE. This isn't made up just to create panic or fearmongering. 

Just do your own seeking/finding ~ As we look around to see where this is all heading, let's ask ourselves this: Could the COVID19 actually just be the catalyst to usher in martial law to bring the world to it's knees, like sheeple or the Pied Piper, of the New World Order, mandatory "vaccinations" that would "prevent the virus", but if you DON'T take the vaccine, you won't be able to TRAVEL, BUY, SELL, or be IMPRISONED and accused of being a 'terrorist'?

We know for a fact, if you believe the book of Revelation, that there is coming an 'injection' of some sort that we SHOULD NOT ACCEPT or we're doomed for all eternity; WILL it be this vaccination? Or the 'chip' that can be scanned to buy, sell, travel, and more? 

Our economy is crashing, unemployment by the millions, healthcare will soon fold, it's been a mess for a long time, famine is coming if the trucks can't dispense their goods, or 
producers are unable to produce....

Go to Steve Quayle's website and read all the Q Alerts, all the "HOT HEADLINES" written by those who've been doing their investigative reporting for many decades, such as Dave Hodges, Mike Adams, Steve Quayle, Derek and Sharon Gilbert, Tom Horn, Timothy Alberino, Justin and Wes Faull, L.A. Marzulli, Steve Isdahl, Cris Putnam, David Flynn, Dr. Michael Heiser, Dr. Chuck Missler, Jamie Walden, and many more. 

Let's be a prepared group of Warriors for Christ, the Body of Christ that has EARS TO HEAR, EYES TO SEE, HEART TO FEEL what the Spirit of the Lord is revealing to us. 

He promises to be with us always, even to the end of the age. Read the Word of God, the Bible, find out everything He says about being our wisdom, protector, comforter, teacher, and all that we will ever need.  God has promised those that TRUST IN HIM, that have given their lives to Christ and received the Holy Spirit of God as our seal, that He will NEVER forsake us~

Paul the Apostle wrote, even while in prison, "Nay, in ALL these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels (fallen; why would we fear good angels), nor things present, nor things (notice the word "things"; WHAT "things") to come, nor height, nor depth, nor ANY OTHER CREATURE, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:37-39

The opposite of fear is also the fruit of the Spirit: LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, GENTLENESS, GOODNESS, FAITH, MEEKNESS, TEMPERANCE; against such there is no law. Galations 5:22,23

Read Psalms, how often the Psalmist wrote of 'what times I am afraid, I will cry out to God, who is my deliverer, my shield, my refugre....'


Over the years there have been individuals that have said things to me to try to make me keep quiet, not to share certain information, for many different reasons. I've been mocked, laughed at, ridiculed, hollered at, rebuked, shamed into making me feel or think I had nothing to offer or to give to others. Doesn't matter why, doesn't matter anymore to me that it may have been out of jealousy. Or their own fears. Or their own insecurities trying to make me feel it was MY insecurities.  Doesn't matter, because behind all of that I know the "who" that has been behind it the whole time. The enemy of our soul: the Devil, deceiver, liar, destroyer; Lucifer/Satan. He sends his deceivers out get at us, doesn't have to do it himself. He hates ALL of us. I'm not the only one that has been targeted: WE ALL ARE. Why, because he hates his Creator God and he wants to be the one that is being worshipped, AND he hates any and everything our Creator created, most of all humans, the seed of Adam that is created in the image of God; not a hybrid, but the SEED OF ADAM, because God loves us. God LOVES us.  God loves US. And I love the seed of Adam, too. (smile)

Remember this: the saints WORLD WIDE are going through the same things WE ARE, and many have been persecuted for far worse for decades. 

Eph 6:18-20; Phil 4:6

Keep them in our prayers. May God be with those of us that are and will come into the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

He that hath ears to hear, let him hear ~

Matthew 11:15 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

The Holdings & Quayle Interviews 
 Midnight Strikes 
 Judgement Unleashed 
author Daniel Holdings

God has given visions to forewarn His people, as He’s done throughout the Bible. The Lord gave Steve Quayle a panoramic vision of what will happen during these last days the same night he gave his life to Christ at a Hal Lindsey meeting back quite a few decades ago. This book covers the vision, along with Daniel Holding’s investigations, into providing proof for verification.  It can be ordered on Steve's website at

I’m well aware that most everyone wants to be unaware and just face life when it comes upon them - yet there are those that feel the urgency to be informed and ready in advance. This is one of those books, a major book. 

The following is a link to SkywatchTV of an interview between Derek Gilbert & Daniel Holdings regarding this book.

There is hope. The Lord has shown Steve what will become of those that are believers in Jesus Christ, and everything in the book is scripturally sound.

Romans 15:4 (KJV)
For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

1 Peter 1:
2 Elect, to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.
3  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,
5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

1 Thessalonians 2:19

1 For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming?

Are we TRULY prepared for what’s coming ~

Hopefully, most of us have had compassionate medical staff and hospital care experiences - but too often, some of us know what it’s like to have had to remain on a gurney in a hallway or other areas for hours due to “no available beds at this time”, had our medical needs postponed or neglected for one reason or another...

But to have to lie on cement floors wherever they could find a spot,  to have your medical necessities postponed due to no fault of their own, or maybe by now the staff are so overwhelmed from too long working hours, the demands of scared sickly patients & frightened family members, atop the medical staff’s own personal and family concerns...

Those of us with medical experience that have had to work double time through catastrophic events such as hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, pandemics, etc., are well aware (or are we?) of how much more devastating this particular pandemic is taking it’s toll on hospitals, the economic collapse, the whole event taking place worldwide and the move toward “we’ve got a plan to fix it all”; whether we’re prepared for what’s coming next or not, it’s still coming. 😔

When we take the time to stop binging on all the movie channels entertaining ourselves during the safety first lockdown, or social media, games,...and we look - listen - and seek the Face of God; if we all repented from having removed God from any and every mention of the truth in the Word of God, and humble ourselves and beg forgiveness, He says He will heal our land- 

Or is it past that time and we’re actually living out the prophetic narrative from the Bible called “As in the days of Noah” and “the end of the age”? Many of us believe it is. As they say, time will tell -

Psalm 107:
8 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
9 For he satisfieth the longing soul, and filleth the hungry soul with goodness.
10 Such as sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, being bound in affliction and iron;
11 Because they rebelled against the words of God, and contemned the counsel of the most High:
12 Therefore he brought down their heart with labour; they fell down, and there was none to help.
13 Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them out of their distresses.
14 He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder.
15 Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!

2 Samuel 22:7 (KJV)

In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried to my God: and he did hear my voice out of his temple, and my cry [did enter] into his ears.

In Matthew 24, Jesus actually forewarned us of the time of sorrows and all that we will be going through. Before the day of His return to destroy the enemy and his host, we will go through great tribulation, of such as the world has not seen even. Let us pray for each other to remain faithful in the faith.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Teach your children ~

Over twenty years ago, the Lord spoke very clearly to me as I was waking in the morning; "Teach your children Elohim Elochem." The last two words were in perfect Hebrew or Aramaic, I don't know which because I speak English. I also don't know the correct spelling for the same reason. I just knew that what I heard was from God because I've come to recognize His voice during certain times over many decades.

When I got up, I searched in the Yellow Pages thinking a Rabbi should be able to tell me what it meant, but the first one I called in our area didn't answer. The second one answered, I explained to him exactly what happened and back then I remembered exactly how it was pronounced so that's how I relayed it to him.

As he sounded very unimpressed by this, however, according to him, it meant, "Teach your children that God is your God."  I thanked him.  After we hung up, assuming here that he may not have been too interested in what a Gentile had heard, my thoughts were, "Is that all? There's got to be more to it than that, I'm sure there is." It would be many years before I've come to understand a bit more.

I've done my best to teach our children about the One in whom I believe, which is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Father, and the gift of the Holy Spirit and the Bible. We took them to church and youth groups, etc, and raised them in all that we knew to do.

However, in the past year I've come to understand that there truly is more to that phrase I heard. 

Elohim with a capital 'E' is the Hebrew word for God and is plural as in God the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Triune God, the Trinity, YHWH, Yahweh, the great I AM.  When the same word has a lower case 'e' as in 'elohim', it's talking about angels, spirit beings, whether good or bad. Author Mike Heiser in The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible goes into thorough detail, but for the purpose of this blog, I'll continue on what I think He was telling me.

Teach your children that the One True God [YHWH, I AM, the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit] is my God. And since HE is my God, then the BIBLE, the infallible Word of God, is for them. Teach your children. Teach your children what He says in the Word in the Old Testament that was fulfilled by Jesus by what is written in the New Testament.  THAT GOD. 

I recently finished reading The Rabbi, the Secret Message, and the Identity of  Messiah by Carl Gallups and Rev Porat. Extraordinary true story about Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri of Israel. I highly recommend it, look it up and read what it's about. I learned from that book that the Jews won't say YHWH, and they only write G-d, claiming it's too holy.  Satan is the deceiver.

Exodus 3:13,14 And moses said unto God, Behold, when i come unto the  children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what whall i say unto them?  And God said to Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, THus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

He is the Living God. Jesus is THE ONLY SAVIOUR. There is coming soon something or someTHINGS that are not of this world and will claim to be our creators, and may likely appear from great clouds from the heavenlies. DON'T BELIEVE IT. There will come from many places saying "Here is the Messiah, our Savior."  DON'T BELIEVE THEM.  

There are many scriptures in the Bible talking about what to expect when Jesus returns.  Study and know them for yourself, and you can look them up on the internet at this time, but the time is short. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Jesus Christ is greater!

As a believer in Christ Jesus, we need to remember that He is greater than any weapon, be it biological or spiritual or whatever - He is our hope and salvation!

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Rev 12:11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. 12 Therefore rejoice, yeheavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

This video by Becky Dvorak is powerful and she also shared an end time vision the Lord gave her. She’s a healing Evangelist for over 25 years and knows what she’s talking about. Repentance from sin and accepting Christ is vital-

Please take the time to watch this-I believe it’s straight from God as a warning and of Hope. Blessings 

“How to get forgiven and free from a reprobate mind.”

Monday, February 24, 2020

In case you’re interested ~

I love SkywatchTV and Gilbert House Fellowship online.

SkywatchTV has several different formats of bringing current news of the world with Christian perspectives and insight.

Gilbert House with Derek and Sharon K Gilbert teaches and expounds the Word of God, such as Unraveling Revelation and right now we’re going through the book of Job. I’ll try to add the websites here. Enjoy your continued education in the knowledge and wisdom of the Lord by His gift of the Holy Spirit which He sent to teach us all things to come and be our Comforter. And yes, He uses us to teach what we’ve learned and will reveal those that are trustworthy: trust HIM to show you and He will. He will even reveal those not to-🌿

I know there are better ways of creating these blogs but this will do for now.☺️