When it hurts so much you feel like you can hardly breathe or that you could just die-you've got this pain in your heart that doesn't want to go away- memories that nag at you whether you want them to or not-some people have panic attacks, or deep depression, a word that barely describes what you're feeling- nothing anyone says really helps, not really-- maybe you have an idea that if this or that would happen,
that's what would make it all go away--but what about the next time something painful happens? How will you handle it then? Or is it that just maybe our Father in Heaven wants more for us-like being strong and happy DURING difficulties? Hardening us to difficulties is what I would want for my own children; how much more GOD wanting that for US?
The very middle verse of the Bible is Psalm 118:8 "It is better to take refuge in The Lord than to trust in man." If we weren't actually ABLE to take refuge then He wouldn't have said it- therefore it IS POSSIBLE-- so how is it done? How can we take refuge in someone we cannot see? Because for one thing, He is real!
There have been so many times when I've cried out to Him and I felt Him, I've heard Him so strongly there was no doubt in my mind it was The Lord-
"But from there you will seek The Lord your God, and you will find Him if you seek Him with all your heart and all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29 In this life, as long as we live, there will be trials, tribulations, but also good times, happy times, JOYFUL times---Our hope is to find out for ourselves that He is with me always, I am never alone-- and to be able to say, "Father, I need your hug!" And be aware of His presence-