What if God, in His mercy and wisdom, reveals to certain individuals around the world, both ordinary and scientists, all of the knowledge we will require to make this wise decision and that they will share it with us. Surely, He will get whoever and whatever we need to convince us that it will be/is the mark, and exactly why we should not take it, even why receiving this mark will scientifically affect us adversely and the plans for the reasons they will invent it, in enough time to make the right decision. There will/must be no doubt. It will be obvious to anyone with ears to hear, eyes to see.
What if we also shared this information with others after we discovered what that mark would be, or would we choose not to?
We are living in the days spoken of long ago that would come to pass, and if it was one of the most important decisions of our lives that will affect us, our loved ones, and the world will be made very soon for all eternity, wouldn't you want to know?
What if the Bible, the Word, is absolutely, actually, accurately, and positively the truth and has been all along?
If that is the case, then every word within it's pages were divinely inspired by the Spirit of God, written by multiple individual writers over thousands of years, and above all things, has been proven to be mathematically accurate. What an impossibility, lest it were done supernaturally, therefore, there is power in the spoken & unspoken Word of God, because it is a supernatural Book (John 1:1: the Word is actually JESUS, that's what it says!)
There are hidden mysteries to be found in the Bible, some of which can be found as we delve into each word to discover the Hebrew and Greek meanings before originally translated.
Every prophetic word written in it is here and/or coming quicker than many want, as we read/hear about all the catastrophic events occurring around the world. Alas, not wanting it to happen won't make it go away nor will any other escapism of choice, because when we wake up, it's still a reality.
Rev 13:16 - Mark = Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: 5480 'charagma' (khar'-ag-mah) Greek: from the same as 5482; a scratch or etching, i.e., stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue); - graven, mark. 5482 'charax' (khar'-az) from 'charasso' (to sharpen to a point; akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake, i.e. (by impl.)a palisade or rampart (military mound for cirumvallation in a siege):-trench. {italics per Strong's}
Gen 3:1 - Serpent = Strong's 'nachash' (naw-khash') Hebrew: 5172, 5173, 5175 to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. to prognosticate:-x certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) x enchantment, learn by experience, x indeed, diligently observe; an incantation or augury: - enchantment; a snake (from its hiss):-serpent. {italics per Strong's}
Prognosticate = Webster's def: to foretell from signs or symptoms {nurses use this same term regarding a sick patient: "signs and symptoms" ~ hmmm}; predict: presage: foretell.
Augury = Webster's: divination from auspices or omens: also: an instance of this: omen, portent.
Auspice = Webster's: diviner by birds; observation by an augur esp. of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens; kindly patronage and guidance; a prophetic sign; esp: a favorable sign.
The Hebrew word 'nachash' in Genesis 1:3 was translated as 'serpent'.
Luciferians, Globalists, Deeper Deep State, Dark State, Elitists, Satanists, 'Them/They', et al., those that want to usher in the NWO and OWR. What is actually behind Them in the unseen realm are the rulers, powers, and principalities of darkness that have enchanted them into believing Satan/Lucifer is the 'good guy'. They want to hurry up and usher in the Antichrist (Nacash, Apollo, Abaddon, Ba'al, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, etc.) to worship him, the one who has deceived Them into thinking he's all that and a bag of chips: SNAP!
What if we're being distracted into focusing on one issue near home, when there are hundreds of other even more ominous issues going on around the world that we should be even more focused upon and why they are occurring? And please, let me make myself clear, when I say 'focus on these things', I'm in no way saying to take our eyes off of Jesus, off the Lord, as if. I'm saying we should keep our eyes open about everything that is going on and not to be caught off guard and to be in prayer, to say the least!
Look, Joel is full of these horrific future events that he was told to warn Israel about; no matter how long before these events were to take place, he was saying be aware, and when you see these things taking place, LOOK UP because these will be taking place RIGHT BEFORE JESUS COMES BACK!
Just some of the events taking place even now worldwide are:
locust swarms eating up the food supply in Africa threatening to invade other parts of the world; earthquakes and troubling volcanoes, including Cascadia; the geoengineering causing brokenness in the skies (and to what purpose); unpredictable weather patterns; mysterious deaths to sea life off the coasts of Nova Scotia; thousands of people reporting worldwide experiences of seeing these Sasquatch creatures, UFO's in clusters, and so many other unusual entities (look it up!); pandemics upon pandemics; the world calling evil good and good evil (take a pick); pedophiles destroying children's lives in horrific crimes without prosecution in too many cases because of the powers that be that are involved...the list seems endless.
What if They are using all of their forbidden knowledge & techniques that They have learned from these dark principalities to enchant people (knowingly/unknowingly) into believing we really do need what They are telling us?
The Bible is very specific concerning the 'mark'. Whenever it comes to having to make this choice, it will be very obvious as to what and when it will occur. It will likely be a 'mandatory/voluntary' deal. We are learning that this will have the ability to track a person, change their DNA, eventually control, and much more, so there's good reason why God says in Revelation not to take it. Good reasons.
Keep your eyes and ears opened, be praying and watchful against deception, denial, complacency. Pray for boldness to speak in that hour.
~ Blessings ~