Friday, October 12, 2018

Some about my earlier days...

I suppose I've always basically been a loner.  I had friends, but few were close.  Or that I allowed to get close.  One or two at a time, usually. 

I had a good family, grew up on the Bayou Tech country in south Louisiana on the outskirts of a small town.  Mom would take us to the library, which smelled of old books and I would escape into the world of the plantation days or ghost stories...Loved that small library.  Went back not long ago and it was no longer there, such is time.

We rode bikes all the way to the small country airport which was across from a small plantation looking home, acres of property, fenced in.  Weren't allowed on the airport grounds, of course, but there wasn't much else we didn't explore.  We made make believe houses out of the sugar cane when we weren't eating them on my best friend's back wharf on the bayou.  We'd go get her mom's small cutting knives and we knew that the darkest part of the cane was the sweetest which was near the roots.  The newer part of the cane, on the top, was bitter.  You have to cut the outside layer, like a cucumber, and inside is the sweet fiber which you cut into long sticks, like a carrot. MMMM  We did this until our OTHER neighbor's mom told us that the sugarcane workers told her we had to stay out, it was private property; we'd done this for years before we were told not to.

I learned to drive with our green bug Volkswagen all over the roads in the cane field, and we'd have that radio blaring.  No, no parent with us, my dad just LET me go!  Took the neighbors for a thrilling ride, we thought we were somethin'.

Where we lived, there were only a few houses at the time.  There was a home of girls across the street on the bayou, and on the side of our house, another family of girls.  I have a lot of regrets about my handling of my friends in those days.  If any of you are reading this, please forgive me.  Because of my own insecurities, I didn't play fair, let's just say that.  I wanted everyone to like ME, not befriend someone else MORE than me.  So I know I've hurt some of them during those times.  Yes, I was young.  But still.

There were huge oak trees all over our near acre property which stood in front of these acres and acres of cane fields.  Had brothers and sisters to play with, good neighbors, we were always imaginative and having fun.  Never heard my parents argue, we ate well, was provided for...

All that to say, this...then WHY did I end up feeling unloved, unwanted, ugly, and thought everyone hated me by the time I turned 14-ish? I was never abused by anyone, but I felt rejected. 

By the time I was a senior in high school, we'd moved about 30 minutes away because of my dad's new job, to a larger town.

Meeting new people, it was awful.  I was SO shy, so tormented that I seldom if ever smiled unless I was with a close friend.  Around the 10th grade, when I was alone, I would cry out, "Oh God, PLEASE change me!! PLEASE change me! I can't live like this anymore, I don't want to be me, I want to change!"  I didn't know what to do about it.  I didn't know I could find peace and acceptance through Christ.  We were raised Catholic but I never had any of my prayers answered except one:  when I'd prayed when we lived in Colorado for a rosary and someone gifted me one.  But when I would pray to Mary, no prayers were ever answered, and I grew tired of saying the same thing over and over on the rosary.

I'd tried so hard when I was around 9 years old to be good, like Saint Theresa, after I'd read a book about her.  But after 3 days, I failed with my childish sins and knew I could never be good enough to be a saint like her.

Everyone loved my mom; she was also from the same area we lived in but next town over, along the bayou. She was friendly, fun, high school sweet heart, homecoming queen....well, try to live up to THAT!  lol  All my friends wanted to be around HER, I felt more than me, but I couldn't blame them.  I wasn't much fun in my own estimation, right?  They all wanted her to be THEIR mom.  She's been living with us since 2009, helping out with me during my long health issues and now lives out in apartment behind our house, back in her own hometown areas, what a blessing she's been to each of her kids, I tell ya.

Ok, where was I going with this.

Oh yeah...let's cut to it...By the time I was in the twelfth grade, I found the Lord! And he's brought me through trial after trial, like a school, till when I take the test, I pass it, then onto the next class....It never ends.  :)  I think I wrote in another post how that came about...

*sigh* enough for now....If you have any questions, or if I've left something out, write in the comments and I'll try to get to that.


"Who hath believed our report?..."

Actually, throughout the Bible, God has prophets to announce warnings to His people, in the Old Testament it was the Isrealites, Hebrews; now we're included, those whose names were written in the book of life from the foundation of the world [Rev. 13:8 & 17:8]... those who have been chosen of God, by His grace that have accepted Jesus Christ of  Nazareth, the Son of the one true God, into their hearts and have turned from their sins, believing in the full gospel. 

And as these prophets proclaim (ed) the warnings of the wrath of God upon the disobedience and sins of men, they either repented or did for a season, then returned to their wicked ways.  Not all, but many.


The Lord reveals secrets to His people, and hidden things of darkness are/will be brought out into the light.

In these times, in these days, for many years, and especially NOW, truths, secrets, and hidden things are being brought out into the light.  Not everyone will believe the reports. Not everyone will repent even tho the truth is staring them in the face.  It will be so 'fantastical', so unbelieveable, that the world will marvel, be amazed, astounded. Caught off guard, unless they listen to what these present day prophets/teachers are TRYING to warn us about, make us AWARE of.

Over my own lifetime, I've had many provisions, answered prayers take place.  The Lord has spoken to me, well, all of my life, but until I became a born again Christian [John 3:3 Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.  John 3:7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.], I didn't realize it. Does that make any sense?  As I continued to draw nigh unto Him, and have a personal relationship with Him, I continued to recognize when it was Him speaking to me. The Holy Spirit within me TAUGHT/TEACHING me.

As I've mentioned before, when I started crying out to God that I didn't want to be deceived, a change began to take place...I started feeling convicted about spending hours on end on entertainment through the different internet movies, shows, et al.  When I didn't stop immediately, I began to lose total interest, there was NOTHING I WANTED TO WATCH ANYMORE!!

Then I began reading, or watching Youtube videos, or podcasts, all about what was going on right in the open, so to speak, all over the world.  I've found Christian speakers that stood on the full word of God, like the Lord was edging me towards the RIGHT speakers, not those that were full of hogwash, right? 

How did I know they weren't deceiving me, as I've stated in previous posts, I go to the Word of God, the Bible, and I pray, and as He PROMISES, He reveals things to us, little by little, line upon line, precept upon precept. [Isaiah 28:10 & 13]

I'm going to start sharing more of what God has done during my life.  I'm learning for my own self, that when I hear what God has done in someone elses' life, it creates in me a desire to be that close to Him, too, and to have Him,....well, you get where I'm going with this, right?

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

If you REALLY want to know,...

IIf you're wanting to know what's going on regarding Bible prophecies, there are many videos on YouTube that are highly informative.  1) SkyWatchTV with Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, a Christian based information platform, if you will.  2) GenSix, as in Genesis 6, with Steve Quayle, brilliant man, extremely knowledgeable.  3) Henry Gruver, a prayer walker, walked across the world reclaiming the land for Christ; his testimonies are incredible.  4) The Official Hagmann Report, varying interviews & topics.  5) David Lankford - The Voice of Evangelism. 6) CBN-The Christian Broadcasting Network, full of REAL news, testimonials and so much more.  All of these are Christian men and their main objective is to reveal the truth to the body of Christ, keep us informed, answer our questions...
If you've been praying and asking God to show you what's coming, if you want to be one of the Ten Virgins that is wise (includes you men!),  if you've been troubled about what you see going on in the world, PLEASE, start listening to these guys on these videos.  There are also great podcasts.  If you're wondering what Sasquatch is, are UFO's real, who the antichrist will be, will this happen , will that happen, if you want peace of mind BECAUSE YOU HAVE BEEN INFORMED and want the truth, then listen to these men.  Choose which ones that help you most and hang in there.  They each have SOMETHING to offer to encourage us.
There are also informative books on Kindle, Nook, or the library,....Now mind you, I've found some that claim to be giving us the "truth", but in fact, want to deceive us.  How will you know which ones to stay away from?  By going back to the Word: does it coincide with scripture? Like the Bible says, My sheep hear my voice and a stranger's voice they will not follow. [my paraphrase of John 10:1-5] I find that when something doesn't "sit right" with me, then I go, "um, no, this isn't right; why isn't it right??"  I set it aside, I do some research of my own, and go to the Word.
Ok. I need to give you an example about a book I thought was going to be good, but discovered it wasn't.  I found a book Confessions of an Illuminati,...  Great, I thought I'd found someone that had come out of it, realized he'd been deceived so he'd written several books. I downloaded the free sample onto my Kindle and as I was reading this totally detailed what have you, I came upon a sentence that "didn't sit right with me."  I've since deleted it so I'm just going to give you the gist and what I did to find out it was NOT what I thought it would be.  He wrote something like, this is not right, he didn't like what they were doing and just wanted everyone to be good in their heart like so and so. He named the guy.  So I googled this guy he was talking about, and lo and behold this GUY was a major warlock, since deceased!!  So ok, THIS author is NOT an ex-illuminati at ALL, and I'm outta here!! I deleted the free sample and became a little wiser. 
[update...I heard this author on a conservative Christian video and I need to do more research on him before making my final decision on whether I should read his work or not....] 
Even when I hear negative things about certain churches in America, or this preacher or that evangelist, like they're a wolf in sheep's clothing...GO TO THE WORD!  Don't believe everything, try it against the word.  Maybe it is true, or maybe what I'm hearing is because they AREN'T wolves in sheeps clothing and they're trying to turn us against them.  *sigh* If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to us liberally. [my paraphrase of James 1:5,6]

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I'll ask you to do your own research, there's a lot to cover, but if you word search "seal of God" in the Bible, you will find scripture after scripture about how God knows them that are His, like 2 Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, And having this seal, the Lord knoweth them that are his.  And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

Revelation 6:9
And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
Revelation 7:2,3
And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads.
Revelation 9:1-4
And the fifth angel sounded,...vs 3 And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power. vs 4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads....
Herein is our encouragement, that when we accept Christ as our Savior, repenting of our sins, with His forgiveness, and follow Him unto the end (why WOULDN'T we follow Him unto the end; is there anything BETTER??), we have the seal of God and are His forever.
The apostles, book of Acts Christians, Christians throughout all of time, have been tormented, killed, tortured,..HOWEVER, we will all die SOME day, so whatever we do go through, if we have the seal of God IN our foreheads, we cry out to Him, we sing songs of thanksgiving unto Him, we TRUST in Him,....
Zechariah 4:6
...Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.
I wanted to learn about all of the provisions God provided for the Isrealites after they left Egypt.  I googled Provision from God in the Wilderness, up it popped, so I clicked on that and in there was everything I needed to know, including definitions of words, and scripture searches.  Extremely helpful to me. Do your own research so that you will be strong in the Word for yourself. 
John 15:4-7
Abide in me, and I in you.  As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.  I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.  If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.  If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.
I know from my own experience, when I don't remain in the word daily, or get side tracked by doing other things on a regular basis, don't hear the word, not pray for long periods of time, I feel like I wither, shrivel up, have nothing that comes to my aid when I need it, spiritually speaking, as well.  We can't depend on other people to pull us through all of our troubles, or help us every time we have a need; but we CAN count on the Lord to provide.  One day I'll tell y'all about how the Lord provided for me/us on many occasions, when He was the only one that knew about the need.  Fascinating!  

Monday, October 1, 2018

Valuable lesson learned...

Many years ago, when our middle child was young, around the third grade, we were living in a small town just outside of Lake Jackson, TX.   At that time, my youngest brother was serving in the military and living in beautiful Hawaii.  When he came back to visit us he'd brought her a birthday gift, which happened to be a Smurf doll, the blue, white, black stuffed toys.  She was some excited and would later place it right there on the top of her bed against her pillows. 

Oh dear. 

I wouldn't even allow our kids to watch the Smurf cartoons on TV because they were actuially witches and warlocks and performed all sorts of sorcery.  They also weren't permitted to play certain video games when they came out if they involved demons and magic spells and powers (I had quite a few disagreements with others regarding my point of view on these issues, I can tell you).  I knew all of this would "open doors" to a demonic realm that I didn't want in our home.  Unfortunatley, not all of my relatives and in-laws felt the same way, so there were times that would slip in, you know, letting them watch certain cute little Disney shows and cartoons, or anything else I felt not good for our kids, while mean ole mom wasn't around. 

So ~ because I loved my brother and didn't want to offend him by not accepting the Smurf doll, add to that upsetting my daughter, I let him give her the stuffed toy.  Oh yes, the kids often got upset with me for not letting them watch what every other friend and kid in the neighborhood and world were allowed to watch, but they obeyed me at home . I would always explain to them why it wasn't good for them.  (Halloween is another story in itself, and I haven't had my way on this on many occasions, but our oldest daughter still doesn't believe in doing Halloween with her family.)

Mind you, we were regular church goers; I was deeply involved in Women's Aglow, the Women's Ministry at our spirit-filled church, and weekly bible studies...I went against what I knew best, just didn't want to hurt my brother's well meaning intentions:  I knew better, I KNEW better!

So here we go, this is what happened...

For the next week, our young daughter would wake up during the night crying for no apparent reason, almost like she was being tormented, you know, unappeased.  I already knew how to check our girls for pinworms, so maybe that's what it was.  I'd check her, nope no worms...Next night, all over again, like clock work.  I began to wonder if it had something to do with a spiritual matter, i.e., the new toy, and I truly felt the Lord was dealing with me to handle it...Well, I didn't handle it like I should, like if it's a spiritual matter, pray about it and get rid of the doll.  I'd learned about spiritual warfare, binding & rebuking the devil in areas he didn't belong, but I was still basically new at it.  Either I was in denial or leary, or chicken, or whatever, but I tried to ignore it, like maybe it'd resolve itself. REALLY??! 

After about a week of this waking up and crying during the night, which included breaking up OUR sleep (and not dealing with the obvious), while the kids and hubby were away at school and work, I decided to lie down on my bed and take a nap.  We had a four bedroom house so each of our kids had their own room.  As I'm lieing there, I could see her room by turning my head to the left and look down at the end of the short hallway.  The head of our bed was against the wall close to our door, with a side table on either side of the bed.  The foot of her bed faced towards her doorway. Got it? 

During this nap, I was "asleep" but it was like I wasn't.  Everything looked exactly as though I was awake.  Something caught my attention so I looked towards her room and this Star Wars looking little imp, roundish-like dark brown/black with two big eyes and long skinny arms that touched the floor.  It comes meandering, sort of walloping slowly down the hallway, looking directly at my eyes the whole time.  When it entered our bedroom, it hopped onto the edge of my bed where I'm lieing, at my knees, and stares at me, like trying to put fear into me.  I could sense it, this aim to put fear into me, with an impish type of "grin"...

I pointed at it, WITHOUT ANY FEAR, and said, "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!" It gave me a pause, like it didn't think I meant it, so I repeated it, swinging my arm & pointing to the hallway at the same time, "GET OUT OF HERE, IN THE NAME OF JESUS!"  It hopped down off my bed next to the bedside table, no longer grinning & hesitated, then slowly wobbled down the hallway stopping to turn around as if thinking, "eh, is she really serious", so again I exclaim those same words.  It went around the corner of the hallway never to be seen again.  I got up, and went straight to her room took that doll, brought it out to the side of our house throwing it into an aluminum garbage can and burned it, rebuking and binding any evil spirits over it and asked the Lord to forgive me for allowing this to even happen to our family.

That very night, she slept ALL NIGHT and has ever since, that I know of.  Now, tell me the Lord doesn't hear us!  It was like the Lord was saying, "Well, if she's not going to deal with it while she's awake, she will deal with it in her sleep, but she WILL deal with it."  *smile* 

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do
shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go
unto my Father. John 14:12

Thou answeredst them, O Lord our God: thou wast a God that forgavest them, though thou tookest vengeance of their inventions.  Psalm 99:8


Saturday, September 29, 2018

Just consider these things...what if it's all true?

Sometimes I wake up odd hours of the night, can't go back to sleep; I'll pray, or read the Word...the main issues that are burdensome to me are for those I love regarding future events. I know we're not to concern ourselves with "tomorrow for tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. And why worry about what we will wear, what we will eat, or the clothes we need, because the Lord knows we have need of all these things, but seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6)  But I also know that we're to intercede and pray for others because that's what we're called to do. [I Thess 5:17 Pray without ceasing., 2 Tim 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day.], just a few scriptures about praying...
  Deeper things, regarding what's going to happen in our future world... I'll think to myself, "who can I even TALK to concerning these things? Not everyone cares about all that, or believes they're possible, at least not anyone in my circle of family and friends, that I know of. (when I bring up the future issues, I'm generally told, "You need to quit reading and watching all those things about black helicopters, martial law,...why do you think about all of that?? And even if things are gonna get that bad, what can we do about it anyway??" I'm pretty sure some of them, HIGHLY likely, think I'm off the wall for considering things that are weird/legends/hybrid...just like I used to think about people that talked about those things...ridiculous, right?
Here's me being transparent to whosoever has been reading my blog, and at the risk of sounding ludicrous to them that know me.  Mind you, I NEVER thought I'd lean towards the possibility of these things MAYBE being actually true.  I always thought people that believed in UFO'S and Sasquatch, etc., were all like off their rocker...   
But what if it turns out to be possible, worse yet, even true?  What if the tribulation period, that is right before the end times, is actually what the Freemasons & the Illumanati and all of those wealthy so called secret societies are striving to come to pass, because they don't want Christians around, or anyone that bucks them, all of us "insignificants", and they want to control the world, complete world domination?
Yes, Satan is in charge of all this, and none of it is new under the sun. 
My concern, when I wake in the night, is a burden for my loved ones (including me and my husband) to have the patience and faith and boldness to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and to be overcomers during those majorly trying times, to say the least!  That my loved ones, friends, others, will be so strong in the Lord that they will NEVER deny Christ, no matter WHAT they threaten them with; be it the threat or possibility of destroying one of their loved ones if they don't deny Christ or take the chip or bow down to worship their so called "messiah"...  We're promised the glory of the kingdom of God in Heaven, to behold the One true God, our creator, our Father, all because of the Lord Jesus Christ.  
According to the Bible, the tribulation is supposed to be worse than ANYTHING that has ever happened since the beginning of time.  Again, I say, how could ANYTHING be worse than the tortures that have occurred thus far....
I present this (and I know there are thousands that have considered all of these things, as well)...what if getting the "chip" is not just about buying and selling...what if it's all about using the technology to control people's will, causing them to do things THEY want us to do, the higher powers in this horrific plan...and what if scientists have been creating atrocities, and working with demons, since they've discovered the science and physics of DNA strands, and conjoining OTHER DNA from other beings, creatures, animals, (impossible?? I believe not and so do hundreds of other people), and these atrocities, demonic entities, will be walking VISIBLY in the world, creating horrific havoc to anyone and everyone...
What if the UFO's are true, thousands have testified to seeing them...what if they are either demons or the "governments" have been working all of this out, to deceive all of us, and that there is a certain 'church' that has deceived many and will totally welcome these beings and even Nephilim (giants from the Bible that were fallen angels going with human women), and these giants will again be welcomed and somewhere the antichrist spirits.....
When they rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and they bring out the actual Ark of the Covenant that Ron Wyatt and his crew discovered many years ago, (google Wyatt Museum Discoveries, be sure it is the official website)...Lab results have shown that on the Ark of the Covenant, there is actual dried blood that has proven to be the chromosomes of a human mother and no natural father...hence, just as the Bible proclaims, Mary was immaculately impregnated...And when they sacrifice an animal, or a red heifer, or what EVER they plan to pour on top of Jesus's blood on the Ark...What do YOU think will happen....
The two witnesses to come will be awesome!  I am so looking forward to the two witnesses of the book of Revelations...
Revelations 12:11, we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.  There are testimonies of people that "see these weird things" such as what you read in Skinwalker Ranch and other podcasts,...when they would pray, "it/they" leave them alone, they are safe. We must always remember that the Blood of Jesus, the Name of Jesus, is more powerful than anything in the world, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
1 John 4:4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.
Have you heard about the military camps that are being built and located throughout the USA, empty now, but what are they preparing for?? And probably throughout the world?? Underground bunkers and tunnels in the mountains for example by the wealthy (what atrocities are they foreseeing, that they believe is coming??)  Haven't you heard about the Walmart buildings that are being abandoned, claiming sewer or water problems, turning into prison looking camps??  This one was new to me, also. [ Youtube, books, podcasts,...]
Yes, people have been proclaiming the end times for centuries, 'nothings happened yet'.  What if it IS just around the corner?  Like two years away, five years away, even twenty years away??  Isn't that closer than centuries ago??
 I do believe in the plausibility of DNA atrocities being performed in private sectors by scientists and all of the strange testimonies of thousands, upon thousands of stories as in Missing 411, and the Skinwalker Ranch, [books], on and on.  You really think all those thousands of people are making everything up? Try listening to some of them, if you haven't already.  The details in their stories are almost impossible to ignore.
Many years ago, a good friend of mine smirked and told me, "You know, you don't have to believe everything you read and hear."  True that and I don't believe in everything I read and hear.  That's why I pray continuously, "Lord, don't let me be deceived, I don't want to be deceived."
There is someone I can talk to for sure, and that's You, Lord.  You know EXACTLY what I need to rest my soul about all of this. I get my Bible and sure enough, the scriptures I need to reassure me that He's got all of this under control and that none of this has caught HIM by surprise, is right there....Then I have peace, reassurance. I continue to pray for all of us...
There IS something we can do about it, so far it's to pray and do spiritual warfare for our loved ones.
Peace about the future. He'll either feed us with manna like He fed the Hebrews in the desert, with water from a rock, birds falling from the sky,...I don't know how He will take care of us.  But I'm gonna buy a Berkey water filter container just in case!
Before a patient has a medical procedure performed, the nurse and or doctor presents him/her with a piece of paper to sign, agreeing to have it done.  The nurse/doctor must first inform/warn them of all of the side-effects or maybe even death that could possibly occur from this procedure...Someone told me she wished her doctor wouldn't tell her of all the things that could happen, just give her the paper without all of that and she'll just sign it....Then there are others that will say, I wish the doctor/nurse had told me what could happen or what they thought might happen...
That's what I'm doing now...I'm telling you what might/could/may happen...And if it doesn't, and we all come out of this unscathed, great...But what of the thousands of tortured/imprisoned Christians all over the world...What about them??  Do we really think that we as Christians we will not have to go through such events because we live in America, land of the free?
I've always been so grateful to have been born an American, the freedoms we have been so blessed with living in this country.  Will/could it ever change?  Will there be wars from other nations right here on our very soil?  Will it be soon? Will we wake up during the night thinking it's lightning and thunder when it suddenly turns out to be bombs and warfare?  Wasn't Hiroshima surprised when the atom bomb fell? Wasn't Pearl Harbor caught by surprise? Would events have turned out differently had they been forewarned??  Will we get a knock on our door one day or night, demanding we go with uniformed personnel, due to martial law, even tho we're innocent of wrong doing? That the only thing we're guilty of is not taking  the chip because Revelations warning us not to take the mark of the beast, or will they be taking us because we won't deny Christ?
What if our loved ones are in another town/state/country if sudden war occurs on our land, and we can't get ahold of them for one reason or another, and we're left to only pray they're alright like so many other warn torn countries have been/are going through?  Will we be strong enough in our faith and trust in the Lord to leave them in His hands at such crucial times?
You may even be saying to yourself, "If you're trying to scare me, cause panic in me, or make me worry, you're doing a pretty good job!"  I don't want any of that for any of us. I feel so impressed to share all of these possibilities so that we won't be caught unawares. Like I say, if it all turns out to be hogwash, great.  But if what the thousands of people around the world are testifying turns out to be true, wouldn't you have wanted to know ahead of time, so that you could be prepared?
I've also heard that so many of the movies being put out in cinemas today actually have truths to them...Almost like they're either bragging about everything, or "speaking to others in code" about how far things have progressed.  Like zombies, werewolves, mermaids, vampires (people LOVE the Twilight series!), witches, sorcerers, super powers...the list goes on and on.  Blatantly exposing their agenda right before our eyes...The football half-time performance programs with Illuminati/Freemason illustrations right there, and most of us aren't even aware of what's going on; I didn't- until I watched youtube videos explaining hidden meanings, I had no clue. 
If the Lord didn't want to warn us about future things to come, then why did He go through all the trouble of revealing things to Daniel in visions and dreams....and John in Revelations??... and other prophets in the Bible?  Was God trying to scare us or was He wanting to prepare us?  To prepare us, of course.  Right??
Rev 18:23 ...for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived. [talking about that great city Babylon]
The church of Christ (those that are led by the Spirit of God, saved from sin, living by grace,...) will be without spot or wrinkle, the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Rev 21 
If we do end up in prison camps because of our faith, I pray we will have continuous praise and worship, and we will encourage one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, moving in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit right there for all the world to see!!  People getting saved, guards & military getting saved,.. a glorious time for the church!  Just as the Apostles did when they were imprisoned for speaking out about their faith, and proclaiming the gospel of Christ, leading others to salvation. 
And we all say, Come quickly, Lord Jesus!


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Isn't it obvious?!

As you can see under the labels on the right hand side of the blog, I've watched tv shows and movies from all over the world through the years.  I enjoy foreign film the most because I'm just really fed up with most American entertainment.  Something very disturbing; the Lord's name is used as a curse word, and/or SOMETHING derogatory about the church, the gospel, Jesus, in every one of them.  In a negative way.  Someone almost always asks the question, do you believe there's anything after we die? (no, nothing) Do you think there's a God? I would venture to say the majority of the time, always negatively.  Not ANY other religion. [I have a relationship with Jesus, not a religion.  If it ever becomes one to me, Lord please correct me!]
In order to desensitize, disbelieve, doubt, Jesus,..The ruler of this world wants to get rid of anything pertaining to the gospel of Christ, the Ten Commandments, sin/repentence of sin...
These are the end times, why do you THINK this is happening all these years up till now??