Tuesday, November 3, 2020

My 'Timeline' Dream ~

On October 21, 2020, I had another vivid dream. I've been withholding posting it until I knew for certain when/if I should. I received my confirmation today while listening to Qfiles2.0 with Steve Quayle, a Believer used of God, ahead of the curve. I highly recommend him.

Timeline dream:

I was watching the scenario taking place before me as a spectator. There was an elderly, gray-haired woman sitting to the left of a 'card-sized' table, bent over with her arms resting on it, peering down over a white sheet of paper, a bit larger than your average printer paper.  I couldn't see from my position if there was any writing on it. She was not a fortune teller, there were no witchcraft artifacts in front of her, just that one sheet of paper.  She simply appeared to be a kind, wise, matronly, older woman. She actually looked like some of the older women you find on the internet in Sicily with the full skirts that reach their ankles, loose blouses, gray hair past their shoulders. Not unkempt, more like they don't pass their time at the neighborhood beauty salon.

There were three or four younger women that were sort of huddled together on the other side of the table, facing my direction, overlooking the paper as they poured out questions at the same time, looking back and forth from paper to matron. The woman closest to her was leaning forward on her hands as if to get a better view of the paper, as they asked: "When will all this take place? When will all of this happen? How will we know when it will start?" The elderly woman tapped her aged finger three times on the white piece of paper and said, "In ten weeks." Just three words. 

(I realize that the old lady tapping three times also happened in the pastor's dreams from Kentucky, Dana Coverstone. I'm simply sharing the dream I had, and she did tap her finger three times, as well. That's what I saw.)

I believe the Lord gave me this dream as an answer to those same questions I'd been asking him for many weeks, especially after I only recently found out about the New Madrid, as we live right near the Mississippi River; where can we go unless the Lord intervenes: "Lord, the Civil War 2, all the dreams/visions of men over many decades of America being attacked by Russia/China, the New Madrid 'Crack' along the Mississippi River from the Great Lakes down to the Gulf of Mexico, the earthquakes along the west and east coast that's also been prophesied about, the UFO revealings, etc, and all that has been prophesied in Your Word?! When will these things START, like in our area, or that will affect us and America. There are already events happening worldwide, but what will affect the rest of us. 

WHAT will start, WHAT will be starting...I'm sharing this because I believe He wants us to REALLY BE TURNING TO HIM AND PRAYING and to BE PREPARED, to GET INTO HIS WORD LIKE NEVER BEFORE, just like others are warning us to do before it's too late and time is so short now. 

We shall see, we shall see. 

I'm putting this out to y'all to pray about it, put it on a shelf if you like, but as they say, hiding our heads in the sand or a pillow won't stop the devil from whoopin' our butt. I heard Beck Dvorak say that. 😊

Will times get rough; more than we'd want. Will there be Believers that will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, that will not love their lives and will endure until the end; yes per Revelation 12:11, but Jesus also said there will be Christians that will fall away. (I had a vision of that one in 1979) Will He lead us in the way we should go; yes when we stay close to Him. Will His Word and power be what we need to walk us through; yes as we trust in 2 Corinthians 12:9. 

The answers to our questions can be found on many of the conservative alternative news feeds online, not on MSM, Mainstream Media, and above all, the Bible. Whichever event will begin it all, many people believe has already begun, but the worse is yet to come. It's all in the Bible. All of it, so we start there. Matthew 24, Luke 21, Revelations, Daniel, Joel, to name only a few that have foretold what we are now going through, and will be going through all too soon for most.   

There are some things that we cannot change, as it's written/prophesied in God's Word, but the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much SO KEEP PRAYING, for yourself/loved ones/the Body of Christ/those that are still to come into the Kingdom of God for salvation/whatever else He reveals to you. I've been drawn to the old testament prophet in Jeremiah 11 where God even tells His people how it makes Him feel because of their wickedness. God sent Jeremiah to urgently warn His people of what was coming because of their unfaithfulness, serving/worshiping other gods, and that He's 'weary of repenting'. Isaiah 15:6 He promises to be with His people and has provided ALL that we will ever need to overcome during these last days. EVERYTHING we need, through Jesus Christ His Son.

Instead of serving and worshiping the One and only Holy Creator, the world as a whole has chosen wickedness along with the evil ones, loving sin rather than holiness, purity, righteousness. Denying that Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the Son of God, came in the flesh, His blood sacrifice, rose from the dead on the third day to redeem us and destroy the works of the enemy, taking back the keys of heaven and hell - He is hated along with His believers, He is not what this wicked world wants. They'd rather choose all else but the One Way to the Living God. Sadly, I refer also to the 'Christians in name only', not true believers/chosen of God, a distinct difference as will/is becoming quite evident to all, also written in His Word; sheep in wolves clothing, the great falling away, et al.

Too many people would rather go about their daily lives and when/if (according to many) it all comes tumbling down around them, then they will deal with it, but don't say anything 'negative' before that. If you do still try to warn them, they may turn their backs on you, avoid you, and/or accuse you of  all sorts. Many don't to be told that it's going to someday arrive at their own front door; that's too frightening, even if the evidence is right before their very eyes.

Say we live in parts of the country prone to snow blizzards. Being warned in advance gives time to prepare with enough food, water, warm clothing, appropriate shelter, wood/generator for heating or loss of electricity, communication, all other essentials in case we're trapped indoors for any length of time. When the weatherman gives his warning, the wisest thing to do is heed them, right?

"It is written." means what God says in His Word is coming to pass, in His timing.

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and returns not thither, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goes forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.  (Isaiah 55:10,11)

It is truly time to faithfully seek Him for the truth, even if it's not what we'd want or hope to hear. When it becomes too difficult to bear, and it will be eventually,  He will give us the strength through Christ to bear it, when we ask. He is our hope, our strength, our peace, our faith in Jesus Christ. I know this from my own experience that when it all seems unbearable and I turn to Him and give it to Him, He gives me what I need at the time I need it. He will never fail nor forsake us, no matter what lies or attacks come at us. He always loves us, nothing and no thing can ever separate us from His love. (Romans 8)

Proverbs 3:32 ~ For the froward is abomination to the Lord: but His secret is with the righteous.

Froward - to turn aside, to depart, perverse

Secret - a session, i.e., company of persons in close deliberation, intimacy, consultation, a secret, assembly, counsel, inward, secret (counsel)

When we ask according to His Word, He is faithful and just, willing to reveal His secrets unto the righteous.  It is His will that we are prepared before hard times come. 

Edited on 12/8/2020:

I'd sent this as a draft to my cousin who's a minister in Alabama several weeks ago. She showed it to another minister and they suggested not posting the dream unless I revealed the words the elderly woman said.

Today I received my confirmation to share what she spoke:

"In ten weeks."

That timeline would make it December 30th, 2020.

Take it to the Lord in prayer and fasting, Isaiah 58. I've been getting certain chapters in the book of Jeremiah for many weeks now. About how God is 'tired of repenting' because of worshiping other gods, sin, evil,...

I'm well aware of those Christians that are saying that things will get better and go back to the way it was, MAGA. I only know how/what the Lord has shown ME and confirmations from others.

Hey, I absolutely get it, I do and there are some that are interested in what you have to say, even if you're reporting uncomfortable news. We're not talking about destroying a person's hope or prayers, we still continue to hope, pray, intercede and hopefully prolong/postpone sometimes even the inevitable.

In John 15, Jesus said He is the vine, we are the branches, without Him we can do nothing. When I share my dreams/visions I just want you to know, I daily spend time with Him in prayer, in the Word and working at being obedient to His Word while continuing to turn to Him for overcoming issues in my own life. Is every dream that I have from Him; if, but some I do know, are.

Adding to post on 4/29/21:

To any that think this timeline dream is wrong...what happened at the end of December ~ a new year began, the year 2021, and all that has/is coming to pass...watch and see. Selah. 

Picking it apart & studying that brings peace ~

With all that's going on in the world, going to the Bible is such comfort for me, as well as for many thousands of others.

For example, Proverbs 3:21-25:

My son, let not them depart from your eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion (ability to make responsible decisions, the result of separating or distinguishing): So shall they be life unto your soul, and grace to your neck. Then shall you walk in your way safely, and your foot shall not stumble. When you lie down, you shall not be afraid: yea, you shall lie down, and your sleep shall be sweet. Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it comes. For the Lord shall be your confidence, and shall keep your foot from being taken.

Just by looking at these few verses, we see there are precursors/stipulations for being able to lie down and sleep without fear; by keeping sound wisdom and discretion. And what wisdom is there that never changes: God's infalliable, unchanging Word, the Bible. Our road map for this life. 

When you buy any new instrument/appliance/car, etc.,  there's always a manual by the manufacturer. The Bible is OUR Manufacturer's manual. See? :)

As we pick apart those words that we thought we knew the definition to, turns out, there's so much more to that word, and it actually expounds more meaning to it.  Does for me, and I've heard many say the same.

Isaiah 28:9-11 ...line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little...

We're learning every day, aren't we. Something new, something valuable, something so important and life sustaining ~ when we walk with the Lord, led of His Holy Spirit. (Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:18)

When we were in nursing school, we were taught that a nurse learns something new every day and never comes to knowing it all; there's always something new  

It's the same way in our own every day lives, isn't it - until we go to be with the Lord we will continuously be learning. It's not always easy, or fun, or expected but we do always experience and learn something, don't we. ('something' word is a bit redundant in here, but oh well. *smiling*)

Praying for those of you of the seed of Adam to know the reality of God's Holy Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth through the power of the Holy Spirit more and more every minute, every hour, every day.

So why make that distinction, what I wrote in the above paragraph. Because there are some that claim/and will claim to be our Messiah that isn't, and those that claim/will claim, to be of the seed of Adam, and won't be.

You'll see.

And then you'll understand. 

I hope.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Whether bond or free ~

 If you are bond (physical/emotional/mental restraints used to hold someone or something prisoner, especially ropes or chains.), you can still be free. 

What a statement.

For you are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond (a captive no matter what type, whether kidnapped for Satanic Ritual Abuse, for sex traffiking, or in cages of any kind, physical, mental, emotional, or whether a baby, child, teenager, adult, old age, of ANY TYPE/KIND OF SLAVERY at ANY TIME of your life, no matter the race/ethnicity/place/space of any type of force...), or free, there is neither male or female (the gender you were born with is who/what you are, nor what a surgeon does to you or someone else's body, nor the type of clothes or attitude you deem to wear or portray, make no mistake and be not deceived, which is also a form of being bond, by lies): for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  And if you be Christ's, then are you Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. 

Galatians 3:26-29

Amazing Grace by Wintley Phipps 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

It just keeps getting better and better ~

Of course, I'm being facisious, I mean it's just not getting better, is it, not if you're aware of what is actually taking place behind the scenes in the spiritual realm, the plans of the enemy and his puppets for the coming days. Now, if you're still in that belief system of telling yourself that all will get back to normal any day now, woe are you. Woe woe woe, and I mean that in sad sincerity because the wake-up call is going to take you by surprise.

Every day we're hearing and seeing more and more of, well, horrifically disturbing news. The world seems to have gone off into the world of the fallen powers and principalities without a mere hitch, and so quickly.

And you just have to laugh, don't you, as you discover even one more disastrous event and you say, "It just gets better and better." Incredulously, of course. What more can happen, what more can there be to face. Oh, it will continue and at a rolling pace, a disturbingly, chaotically, rolling pace.

If it were not for the supernatural Word of God, the Bible, what hope would we have during all of this chaos. That's just it, our only hope is in Him. His Word will never lie, will never falter, will never disappoint, and like the three Hebrew children that were thrown into the fiery furnace for not bowing/kneeling to the king/government; they knew that the God they worshipped could deliver them but if for His own reason He chose not to at that time, they knew they would be with Him for all eternity.

Some say, it's a win-win situation.

Most of us want to fight, occupy, and endure for the Lord till we go Home, our Heavenly Home, knowing that all of this is for a reason, all of what's going on, this Cosmic War, this fight against good and evil, love and hate, between the Trinity of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Satan and all of the powers and principalities that are fighting/intervening continuously for our souls, is all for a reason. If we want an easy road, that would be the broad/wide road that leads to destruction. The narrow road is the one that leads to life and has the answers to the weapons of our warfare to fight against the wiles of the devil, the Word of God which is our Sword of the Spirit. 

"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord." Zechariah 4:6

Our Creator YHWH, Jehovah God, I am that I am, the One and only True God, loves US. He is fighting for US and sent His only Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, and was sacrificed by the brutal beatings and shedding of His own blood for us  (humans only, the seed of Adam only; remember that!) so that we could be reconciled back to Him, which was taken away from us in Genesis by deception & sin. You know the history.

"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Romans 8:18

Ezekiel 33 tells us (and more) how God does not take any pleasure or comfort in the death of anyone, even the wicked. He never intended nor wanted us to have to go through all of this but because of our choices, here we are. His original desire was to walk amongst us continuously in the Garden of Eden. Yet again, here we are. You know our history, you know how we got here. If you don't, read the Bible, it's all in there. It's all true and it's also your choice whether you believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God or not. Take it like a road map for the sojourner.

Yes, God is all knowing and knew ahead what man/woman would do. Of course He did. In His infinite wisdom and love for mankind, redemption, the final battle at Jesus's return & all the rest of His promises for us, what glory divine, we will understand everything once the Believers/Followers of Jesus Christ, are saved by His Grace and accepted Him as Lord and Savior get to heaven. Everything.

So we look to Him for our hope through all this...stuff, don't we. Oh, He's not some figment of our imagination. He's real, He's everpresent, He's loving, He's just, He's powerful, He answers prayers, He will never leave us nor forsake us by His Holy Spirit, the Comforter/Teacher that He promised and sent to live within those that receive Him/baptized in the Holy Spirit (just have to ask and receive), sealing us until the end. He's on our side, He's mighty in battle and mighty in works, He's forgiveness, healing, hope, love, joy, peace,....Look it up (I say that to those still searching/seeking Him; yes, you're seeking Him, you probably just didn't realize it and have known there was a hole within you that you couldn't fill and have been delving into the wrong places/ways, like all the rest of us. *smile*)

Hopefully, there will be internet for another time to post for you, whoever's reading.

But hey; it just keeps getting better...and better....and better.  If your faith & hope is in Christ Jesus. Choose life before it's too late, because that time is sooner than we know.

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.  And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death." Revelation 12:7-12

If you want to know what we're going to go through, it's all in the Word of God.Throughout history, He always warned mankind before judgement came, crying out to His creation to repent and turn from our sinful wicked ways and turn back to Him and from Satanic worship, which leads straight to the eternal fiery Hell, originally meant only for Satan and the powers and principalities of darkness. Was never meant for us. 

Choose Jesus. Choose life.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Revelation 13 is very soon upon us ~

Study to show yourself approved unto God,a workman that needs not to be ashamed,  rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

Look hard and long when they discuss vaccines. Urge you to read the following article on this link by Geri Ungurean.


In Revelation 13:11-13, the word 'mark' is translated from the Greek word 'charagma', which means 'a stick, prick, etching, tatoo". Many have done extensive studies & research on what it will be, which is coming out almost everywhere we look.

Celeste Solum, in a recent post as well as finding her on YouTube, a former 25 year FEMA employee, knows quite well what the Elite Globalists plans are. Urge you to watch as many as you can that are still uncensored or banned.

May the Lord give us all the wisdom, the courage, and the peace we need in these days.


Blow The Trumpet In Zion With Lyrics

Thursday, August 6, 2020

What's in these vaccines, anyway?!

Click on the following link by Celeste Solum, former 25 year FEMA employee, as she informs us of what is actually in these vaccines and what the Globalists plans are for them. Knowledge of those hidden issues will keep our eyes open to the lies and deceptions of the enemy of our soul.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

My dream of the Archers in the Ancient Stone Tower ~

During the early morning hours of July 24, 2020, I had another vivid dream and immediately wrote it down when I awoke so as not to forget, believing it to be important.
I was standing in an ancient stone fortress, the kind that have the narrow slit windows for the archers to stand in front of to take aim at the enemy, narrow enough to prevent the enemy's arrows coming into the window to hit the archer.  There was an ancient dressed archer in front of each window. [should be able to find pictures of similar fortresses online]

I was standing close enough to one archer, facing his left profile/body side, able to view his whole body countenance and stance. He wore a cream/tan colored muslim type dress which stopped short above the knees, a round neck opening and sleeveless, with a seamless brown waist belt. His hair was wavy, light blondish brown, and short enough not to get in his way. Out of my peripheral, I saw another archer to my left moving into their place in front of the window, just as the rest were. (which inferred that there are prodigal sons/daughters and late comers taking their place in the war)
The archer I was facing had such alertness, complete confidence, and absolutely no fear in his expression. He reminded me of the archer Legolas in the Lord of the Ring; fearless, confident, calm in the face of the enemy, totally prepared, experienced, skilled, brave. Calm, alert, focused, prepared, skilled, ready. Complete courage and confidence, never taking his eyesight from looking forward out of the window.

His bowstring was stretched into position ready to fire but instead of the usual one arrow, there were three arrows pulled back on his bowstring, aimed like a wide 'W'. An online search revealed when using multiple arrows at once, it's called 'speed-shooting'. The photo online showed a speed-shooter with the arrows taped together at the end to the draw string, but this archer was so skilled that he had the three arrows pulled back at the drawstring held together by just his fingers, as though one arrow. He never took his focus from looking forward out of the window even as he spoke in response to my words to him. I don't know what we said to each other, just that he never turned his head from facing forward to reply. 

[added this part 3/1/2021 ~ I'd originally thought the dream was comparing us to be as the Archer, but could it be that the Archers are actually the angels that protect us while we're hidden in the safety of the fortress of the Lord? Either way, wouldn't we want to be just like the Archers in our focus and skill?!]

There will be multiple attacks coming against believers, the Body of Christ, at one time and that we will be prepared in spiritual warfare. The Word says He's coming back for a church "That He might present to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." (Ephesians 5:27)
The Enemy/Lucifer/Fallen Angels/and any other demonic/deceptive creature, and all that entails, will come from multiple directions at once; he has never played fair. Do not expect the usual linear attack: these will come in ways that will try to create fear & astonishment, but remember: the Archer was calm & unafraid as he was in the fortress with his weapon ready. The archer's clothing reminded me of sackcloth, which was worn in ancient times to humble themselves before God, and some still do, during fasting and prayer. Sackcloth are said to be rough, itchy and uncomfortable to the body. Meaning, I suppose, that getting right before God and putting down the flesh is very "uncomfortable".
So how do we become as courageous, calm, and focused in the face of the enemy as the Archer in the tower? Turning to the word...
The Word tells us that as we are obedient to the Holy Spirit's work in us, He is working in us both to will and to do of the Father's good pleasure, through Jesus Christ, right. When we have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised to send us, our Comforter that will never leave us orphan, and teaches us all things to come. We must live a life of repentance and forgiveness, holiness, and purity, and this aint easy, don't I know it! Temptations are coming at us from ALL angles (hmm, attacks from multiple angles.) 
But we are to mortify/destroy the works of the flesh, and as He shows us, we need to be obedient, with the help of Holy Spirit, and in the power of His might, we can and will do this, for His strength is made perfect in our weakness, but we must use the Word of God as our weapon, the written word, the scriptures which is sharper than any twoedged sword.
We need each other, why else is the Enemy wanting to isolate and separate people? For one thing, where two or more are gathered together in HIS NAME, He is in the midst of us. Muzzling the mouth is like trying to keep mosquitoes from passing through a chain link fence. In other words, microbes as tiny as a bioweapon cannot be prevented by a simple mask. 
Are we gettin' it yet??
The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God! (2 Corinthians 10) We must spend plenty of time in the Word and prayer, IN YOUR PRAYER CLOSET where it is PRIVATE, and phones and TV technology isn't able to hear you, WHILE IT IS STILL TIME. (I'm aware there are those that don't care who hears them praying out loud, but remember why Christians worldwide that are actually GOING THROUGH HORRIFIC PERSECUTIONS have gone underground. Yes, there is coming a day when we, too, will be persecuted for our faith, but let's be wise, people, praying to be at the right place at the right time, and not before; there has to be SOME of us left for the rest of the harvest, amen?)
We all must know what our authority is in Christ Jesus, that's what the Archer knew: his authority in Christ. (I'm obviously encouraging myself, as well; lots still to overcome.)

The Word says "and they overcame by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony." (Revelation 12:11) "and to them that endure till the end shall be saved." (Matt 10:22)
Now let me share a bit of an aside:
There are obviously those that are far better speaker/teachers/writers, etc.  I'm no Derek Prince or Watchman Nee nor any of the others, nor am I the most knowledgeable or the most eloquent writer/speaker/teacher, etc., and I'm fairly certain I've never claimed to be.  Hmm, that ought to encourage the rest of those that felt they first had to become "action heroes" before God could ever use them. God chooses who HE wants despite what others think we should/shouldn't/haven't done properly. Or maybe someone a whole lot wiser, but who does He decide to choose to confound the wise: ordinary folk. Folks that people would say, "Now that HAS to be God in that person, because I know their flaws and imperfections!" Therefore, who then receives the glory: God does.
Here we go ~ Many years ago, I had a dream (what can I say; the Lord speaks to His kids the way He chooses and what He knows will sink in, *shrug*). And in that particular dream, which I still remember pretty well, I was chosen for a part in a play. Three times I told the cast director he'd made a mistake in choosing me, giving him three different reasons why I was simply not the right person; either I wasn't smart enough, good enough, couldn't sing well (my family would say "at all" lol), excuses along those lines.
But with each reason/excuse I gave, the director would reassure me that I was the exact person they wanted for the part, and three times he told me why I was, that they already knew all of that, and still chose me. I was the gal for the part, that it was me they had chosen, and that was that. They felt I was the right choice, without question, despite what I or anyone else thought. After that tete-a-tete, I began to learn and practice my part with gusto and assurance.
The enemy has tried for centuries to keep us from talking, from sharing, to shut us up by using unresolved insecurities, or whatever buttons he pushes. Time and time again, we must each remind ourselves: "Who chose me, who called me: God or man?" We must do what the Lord has called us to do, as we're each made unique in personalities, which is for His purposes and His glory.

“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Ephesians 6:11

"The Lord shall cause thine enemies that rise up against you to be smitten before your face: they shall come out against you one way, and flee before you seven ways." Deuteronomy 28:7

"The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower." Psalm 18:2

"But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel; And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy:...And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:16-18,21

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

My experience with Essential Oils

I’m going to share an experience I had last year, but many may think I’m making it up if you don’t believe in the supernatural. 🤷🏼‍♀️ it happened nonetheless and I’ve got others that know me that can prove I’m telling the truth. It may either disappoint people (it definitely disappointed me!) or they will believe it, but I feel it’s time I share it with more people.

Essential Oils can have health benefits when used correctly because they are supposed to be derived from God’s created plants, which are definitely His design for our health.

However, I have discovered for myself that EO are used in witchcraft as potions and are not to be used by Christians as witchcraft potions; I believe the difference is when you start believing that these EO can do anything including giving you peace, etc., when as a Christian we should be looking to the Lord for that: the Word is very definite about witchcraft, sorcery,...

The Young Living EO I was using had names on each bottle like vitality, abundance, acceptance, and if you wanted a certain effect, you had to add so many drops of one oil to other oils, expecting performance, ie, peace, find a love, calmness in your home from stress, make your kids calm down, etc. 

I’d spent hundreds of dollars on Young Living Essential Oils products and I loved them. 

Late one night, I found a video of a man called Pastor King Rand Richey of Oklahoma on the Omegaman podcast, called Essential Oils and Witchcraft. Of course, I was interested. After I listened to the whole thing, since it was so late at night, I told the Lord, if this is really true, You will have to convince me because I really loved my oils and diffusers. 

The very next morning, I put on my robe and UGG slippers as I'd done for years, but as I was walking into my bathroom, I heard what sounded like a very small bipedal person quickly walking right behind me! When I turned around, there was nothing there and I heard in my thoughts “That’s just your robe and slippers making that sound” but I’d never heard it before-

As I walked again, there were those same tiny steps but this time I heard “fairy”. 

As a Christian since 1974, I’ve seen and heard many evil spirits that I’ve had to rebuke with my authority in Jesus Christ and I know my Living God and that this was Him “convincing“ me: I whipped around and I took authority against every fairy, troll, witchcraft and evil spirit in my home, pleading the Blood of Jesus and I asked God’s forgiveness for sin I didn’t even know I’d done.

I went about the house and took everything I’d bought from YL and my husband got rid of it.

In the next few days, I heard those tiny steps a few more times so I’d ask the Lord "what am I missing?" and I’d find more YL products; bath balms, make-up, go through the same process, and I've not heard them again.

After this happened, I did the research I should have done before spending so much money, for one thing.🙄 When i looked up potions it even SAYS that witches use fairies and trolls to do their bidding with potions/oils! I looked up everything I could find on YL: they also do Chakra relaxations, they’re really into Eastern Religions/India’s beliefs. Do your own research and decide for yourself. We each have to be convinced that what we are doing is right in the eyes of God, do we not?

I believe what makes one company's oils different than another is what that company believes in /how they are used. Young Living’s founder is Mormon, doTERRA EO is another one that uses EO like YL, as examples.  Look up the backgrounds of any oils. Pray about it.

Eden’s Essentials sold by Joe Horn are used for HEALTH reasons and not as potions, as well as Mike Adams the Health Ranger’s essential oils.

Yes, I’ve told others about my findings, even a Pastor and his wife but they got very defensive, refused to believe me, and continue to keep YL as their business venture in their own church, for years, disregarding my findings/experience. What have I to gain by making it up?! I lost so much money BUT learned a valuable lesson: 

“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.” Proverbs 3:6-8

So you either believe my experience or you don’t, you’re either disappointed and will heed, or you could care less even as a Christian: 🤷🏼‍♀️ Take it to the Lord in prayer. 

A few years ago, I started telling the Lord to show me truths, that I don’t want to be deceived. For those of you that understand our Creator wants fellowship with us which we can only have through belief in His Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And He does speak to us. Promise. 

 Many things I've been deceived about are becoming evident.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns

Image: EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns
(Natural News) In a Natural News exclusive, a California-based whistleblower is stepping forward and sounding the alarm on door-to-door “contact tracing” campaigns which are under way right now, justified by the coronavirus pandemic government response. These campaigns will be escalated to forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnappings of “dissenters” who refuse vaccines, we’ve learned.
This video features a whistleblower we’re referring to as “contact traced,” who is filmed in goggles and a hoodie, hiding in a dark closet to conceal their identity. This person believes they have already been added to a “dissenter” red list in California, flagged for possible FEMA kidnapping and forced relocation to a FEMA camp where those who resist vaccines will be processed and then exterminated. This person’s voice has been dramatically altered to protect their identity.

California government hiring people to go door-to-door, building “red flag” lists of dissenters

Right now, California is hiring people to go door-to-door, creating “red flag” lists of vaccine dissenters, flagging them to be forced vaccinated, medically kidnapped or executed by California government authorities in the near future.

Yesterday we interviewed former FEMA administrator Celeste Solum, who confirmed that FEMA is gearing up to medically kidnap and forcefully place American citizens into FEMA camps where so-called “anti-vaxxers” will be exterminated (that’s not a metaphor, they will be murdered by the state). We’ve also confirmed from another source that FEMA’s leadership has been completely overrun with communist operators who are planning on exploiting FEMA authority to flag and exterminate pro-America, pro-Trump dissidents who tend to be vaccine skeptics as well. We have also received documentation of the exact inventory of FEMA’s killing machines which have been distributed to FEMA centers across the nation and will be used to murder large numbers of dissenters who are flagged by FEMA.

Make no mistake: FEMA will be the vehicle of genocide in America as the civil war ramps up and the murderous Left attempts to round up their political enemies and exterminate them in death camps. They will use vaccine compliance as one of the vehicles through which dissenters can be easily identified and later removed by force.

In other words, being flagged as a “vaccine resister” is now the equivalent of being placed on a government death list, and door-to-door contact tracing campaigns are the mechanism by which Big Government is building these lists in preparation for their “purge.”

Watch this video and share with all your followers on alternative social sites like Parler.com, Gab.com, etc. (All the communist-run mainstream tech platforms have blacklisted every video from Brighteon, so you cannot share Brighteon videos there. Move to alternative platforms and take your followers with you.)

Contact Traced Whistleblower Video

Sunday, June 7, 2020

For the brave researcher ~

Mike Adams

Do not believe any negative reports against this scientist and man of God you find on the internet. He has basically been censored, banned, and blacklisted on practically every platform because he brings the truth to the forefront about, well, everything, and they just can't have that, now can they.  If you really want to hear the truth, listen to what this man has to say.  He is trustworthy in not only my experience, but thousands of Believers and non-Beleivers alike.🌿


Make no mistake, anyone that comes forth with truth, Jesus, God the Creator, the Bible, is quickly being censored, banned, and blacklisted.  There are many right now that are being censored on Youtube, Google, Twitter. etc, for speaking out.  Despite the President having signed against being censored, it is still going to happen, and at rapid speed. 

Again, we as Believers in Jesus Christ must work while we still can to reach those that are open to receive. We need to ask the Lord to lead us to/bring to us, those that are open to hear about Him.  Gross darkness and great tribulations are already upon us and as Jesus forewarned, it will be worse than anything that has ever come before. We must work by faith and in His Grace, bringing glory to Him in these last days.
"Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen".  Matthew 28:20

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Charagma ~

As we watch to see what the Lord is revealing to us from His Word so that there is NO doubt we will misunderstand, we go back again to Revelation, read everything for yourself about "the mark", which was translated from the Greek word "charagma".

Remember, you must go to the Lord in prayer about any and everything I write or anyone else says or writes: HE has the truth and He will keep us from deception if we ask for wisdom, in Jesus's Name.

Link for charax definition -

And always remember the words in the following song, written by Dottie Rambo  ~ 💞
Sheltered Safe Within the Arms of God

Let me be clear; I'm not saying that THIS vaccination is "the mark", but it will alter our DNA and not good .  We will know without a showdown of doubt when/what the mark is. When I find out for sure, God willing, I will share it with you. And if you find out first, share it with others as the Lord leads.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Joel ~

Read the book of Joel; pray & ask the Lord to reveal what He wants you to see.

~ Blessings ~

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What if ~

What if someone told you, "I don't believe God will judge or condemn us if we take the 'mark' innocently because we didn't know that was actually 'the mark' of the beast."  (Revelations)

What if God, in His mercy and wisdom, reveals to certain individuals around the world, both ordinary and scientists, all of the knowledge we will require to make this wise decision and that they will share it with us. Surely, He will get whoever and whatever we need to convince us that it will be/is the mark, and exactly why we should not take it, even why receiving this mark will scientifically affect us adversely and the plans for the reasons they will invent it, in enough time to make the right decision.  There will/must be no doubt. It will be obvious to anyone with ears to hear, eyes to see.

What if we also shared this information with others after we discovered what that mark would be, or would we choose not to?

We are living in the days spoken of long ago that would come to pass, and if it was one of the most important decisions of our lives that will affect us, our loved ones, and the world will be made very soon for all eternity, wouldn't you want to know?

What if the Bible, the Word, is absolutely, actually, accurately, and positively the truth and has been all along?

If that is the case, then every word within it's pages were divinely inspired by the Spirit of God, written by multiple individual writers over thousands of years, and above all things, has been proven to be mathematically accurate. What an impossibility, lest it were done supernaturally, therefore, there is power in the spoken & unspoken Word of God, because it is a supernatural Book (John 1:1: the Word is actually JESUS, that's what it says!)

There are hidden mysteries to be found in the Bible, some of which can be found as we delve into each word to discover the Hebrew and Greek meanings before originally translated. 

Every prophetic word written in it is here and/or coming quicker than many want, as we read/hear about all the catastrophic events occurring around the world.  Alas, not wanting it to happen won't make it go away nor will any other escapism of choice, because when we wake up, it's still a reality. 

Rev 13:16 - Mark = Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible: 5480 'charagma' (khar'-ag-mah) Greek: from the same as 5482; a scratch or etching, i.e., stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue); - graven, mark. 5482 'charax' (khar'-az) from 'charasso' (to sharpen to a point; akin to 1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake, i.e. (by impl.)a palisade or rampart (military mound for cirumvallation in a siege):-trench. {italics per Strong's}
Gen 3:1 - Serpent = Strong's 'nachash' (naw-khash') Hebrew: 5172, 5173, 5175 to hiss, i.e. whisper a (magic) spell; gen. to prognosticate:-x certainly, divine, enchanter, (use) x enchantment, learn by experience, x indeed, diligently observe; an incantation or augury: - enchantment; a snake (from its hiss):-serpent. {italics per Strong's}

Prognosticate = Webster's def: to foretell from signs or symptoms {nurses use this same term regarding a sick patient: "signs and symptoms" ~ hmmm}; predict: presage: foretell.

Augury = Webster's:  divination from auspices or omens: also: an instance of this: omen, portent.

Auspice = Webster's: diviner by birds; observation by an augur esp. of the flight and feeding of birds to discover omens; kindly patronage and guidance; a prophetic sign; esp: a favorable sign.

The Hebrew word 'nachash' in Genesis 1:3 was translated as 'serpent'.

Luciferians, Globalists, Deeper Deep State, Dark State, Elitists, Satanists, 'Them/They', et al., those that want to usher in the NWO and OWR. What is actually behind Them in the unseen realm are the rulers, powers, and principalities of darkness that have enchanted them into believing Satan/Lucifer is the 'good guy'.  They want to hurry up and usher in the Antichrist (Nacash, Apollo, Abaddon, Ba'al, Nimrod, Gilgamesh, etc.) to worship him, the one who has deceived Them into thinking he's all that and a bag of chips: SNAP!

What if we're being distracted into focusing on one issue near home, when there are hundreds of other even more ominous issues going on around the world that we should be even more focused upon and why they are occurring?  And please, let me make myself clear, when I say 'focus on these things', I'm in no way saying to take our eyes off of Jesus, off the Lord, as if.  I'm saying we should keep our eyes open about everything that is going on and not to be caught off guard and to be in prayer, to say the least!

Look, Joel is full of these horrific future events that he was told to warn Israel about; no matter how long before these events were to take place, he was saying be aware, and when you see these things taking place, LOOK UP because these will be taking place RIGHT BEFORE JESUS COMES BACK!

 Just some of the events taking place even now worldwide are:
locust swarms eating up the food supply in Africa threatening to invade other parts of the world; earthquakes and troubling volcanoes, including Cascadia; the geoengineering causing brokenness in the skies (and to what purpose); unpredictable weather patterns; mysterious deaths to sea life off the coasts of Nova Scotia; thousands of people reporting worldwide experiences of seeing these Sasquatch creatures, UFO's in clusters, and so many other unusual entities (look it up!); pandemics upon pandemics; the world calling evil good and good evil (take a pick); pedophiles destroying children's lives in horrific crimes without prosecution in too many cases because of the powers that be that are involved...the list seems endless.

What if They are using all of their forbidden knowledge & techniques that They have learned from these dark principalities to enchant people (knowingly/unknowingly) into believing we really do need what They are telling us?

The Bible is very specific concerning the 'mark'.  Whenever it comes to having to make this choice, it will be very obvious as to what and when it will occur. It will likely be a 'mandatory/voluntary' deal.  We are learning that this will have the ability to track a person, change their DNA, eventually control, and much more, so there's good reason why God says in Revelation not to take it.  Good reasons.  

Keep your eyes and ears opened, be praying and watchful against deception, denial, complacency. Pray for boldness to speak in that hour.

~ Blessings ~

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Be not afraid ~

Do we have help: yes, for we overcome by the power of His might.  We have power: yes, the power of the Holy Spirit and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God .  Do we have hope: yes, our hope is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We overcome fear by the Word of God and the power of His might, by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Since the Word of God is sharper than any twoedged sword, then it must be supernaturally effect against the powers and principalities of darkness.

 "3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not [a]carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled." 2 Corinthians 10

If you don't know Jesus, then all of this sounds foreign to you. If you do know Him, then you understand. Or you once walked with Him but feel you have stepped aside, like the prodigal son.  The Bible says He is longsuffering and full of mercy to forgive. His Grace is sufficient.

That does not mean we do our own thing. It does mean that when we turn to the Lord we are to live a holy and pure life and turn from sin. Why would anyone want to continue in sin after they've come to realize He's real and His love for us is so definite; because for a season, sin is comfortable but it still leads to death spiritually, physically, emotionally....

There is no sin that is not covered by the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  When He said "It is finished." on the cross then gave up the ghost, meaning He died, His spirit left His body, it meant exactly that. Every sickness, disease, sin and overcoming the enemy, which is Satan and any and everything he conjures up, Jesus has defeated. Period. Done. Finished.

And spiritual warfare WORKS!  How do I know for myself, you might ask.  Okay.

The other day I had severe pain in my right flank which felt like possible kidney stones. Couldn't go to the hospital due to the lockdown and all of this prevention going on, so I would have to wait for the doctor's office to open in two more hours. Two more hours!! The pain was unbearable.  As others were praying for me, I told my husband to go take the dog for a walk because I needed to be alone: I needed to do spiritual warfare on my own and I wanted to do it now.  

Approximately one minute later after I'd begun to combat with the Word of God out loud, the pain disappeared!  I've had people say all sorts of things about why the pain left, but they were only guessing because since I hadn't had a CT scan, how would they know?  But it was gone and I give God all the credit and all the glory. I don't care what anyone says, I know why it left! 

I've done spiritual warfare over many areas of my life and over and for others. So why am I still having to deal with certain health issues, I don't know but what I do know is this:

I stand on 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. Weakness = Greek word asthencia = feebleness (of mind or body); malady, frailty, disease, infirmity, sickness, weakness. 

I'm believing for my own miracles, some things we have hope for, right? Some things are instant, some we wait with hope for.  Just like waiting for a check in the mail, or money from a 401K to be deposited into your checking account that you've been assured will come. Although you have to wait for it, it doesn't mean it won't show up eventually. (smiling) 

Consider this ~

Merriam-Webster's partial definition of consider

transitive verb
1 : to think about carefully
a : to think of especially with regard to taking some action
b : to take into account
2 : to regard or treat in an attentive or kindly way
3 : to gaze on steadily or reflectively
4 : to come to judge or classify
5 : regard 
6 : suppose
On January 17, 2019, I posted a warning dream on this blog that I had about China (Recent Dream in my older posts).  I was fully persuaded that the "red dust" in the air meant China.  I've also become fully persuaded that dream represents the present pandemic.  It is well documented to have originated there, that it was/is a bioweapon which was intentionally leaked and that the citizens from that particular town were allowed to travel worldwide. (Consider that.) In the dream there wasn't only "red air/dust' but there were people on our own land fighting against us.
I have never followed the mainstream media even though it was constantly running in our home, mainly FOX News.  All of my own research has been gleaned from Conservative Christians "offline/online" and the Bible, God's infallible Word, and those that I have learned to be trustworthy.   The information has proven exact and accurate time and again and has COME TO PASS, unlike some that just throw out crumbs like a spiderweb, ensnaring with false hope and when, when, will they ever bring down the swamp, as promised. (Consider that.) 
Over the years, the Lord has confirmed to me that I'm to share with others what He tells me to, which is no different than what He has done throughout the Bible, to warn people of what is coming & : every prophet in the Bible, including Jesus, spoke of terrifying events that were coming ahead, so that they could/would be prepared and not caught off guard. I was told that like Gideon, when He tells me to blow a trumpet, I will do it.  Also like Gideon, I constantly ask Him for confirmations before I do "blow the trumpet".  
The Bible is very specific as to how to blow a trumpet by the Watchman/Watchmen in order for the people & the men of war to understand what God wanted them to do. Look up the word trumpet in the Bible and read all of the different ways that announce the coming enemy/what to do to/on days of triumph & jubilee, and so on. Very specific, and if not specific, how would they know what to do?

Oh, here's a good one: "In what place [therefore] ye hear the sound of the trumpet, resort ye thither unto us: our God shall fight for us." Nehemiah 4:20
I would like to share the following article for you to consider.  
Am I saying I'm a prophet? Is that what I just wrote? I stated, again, that "I am sharing what the Lord tells me to share".  Does God actually speak to His people? Of course!  Why create people if you're not going to have a relationship with them; do you not talk to those you love?  If we're made in the image of God, which includes RE-LA-TION-SHIP (smiling), then we can actually talk to and HEAR Him by the power of the Holy Spirit through Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, Amen? Amen.
M-D's definition of relationship
1 : the state of being related or interrelated
2 : the relation connecting or binding participants in a relationship: such as
a : kinship
b : a specific instance or type of kinship
3a : a state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings
b : a romantic or passionate attachment
I'm sure we know what kinship means: a relative.  As in brethren/brother/child of God/children..."For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Ephesians 5:1

Or rather, whose child are you? 
"In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." 1 John 3:10

According to His Word, His children will suffer many things as did Jesus, and because of Jesus, BUT AND ALSO! The Word says we will do exploits, we will have help, that He will be with us always, even to the end of the age, He will never ever forsake us, the Holy Spirit is our Seal, and when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him, and we will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and by the Word of our Testimony, and greater is He that is IN us than he that is in the world, we are more than conquerors through Christ which strengthens us, His grace (Greek word "charis": divine influence upon the heart, and it's reflection in the life) is sufficient for us, for His strength (miraculous power according to the Greek word "dunamis") is made perfect in our weakness. II Cor. 12:9, there are so many scriptures to stand on!
It's throughout in His Word, our supernatural/supranatural book, which means transcending the natural. 
Did you know that the Bible is Mathematically written? 
"The following is a brief look at Chuck Misslers book "The Creation Beyond Space and Time"."  https://biblebelievers.org.au/panin1.htm
 Until next post ~ blessings to the Brethren.